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I've got a bunch of kids that want me to take them ice fishing one more time this winter, I was thinking Mackey would be a great place for them to catch a bunch of fish. However I don't have an extension on my auger, does anybody know exactly how thick the ice is? Are people needing extensions to get through the ice? Also its been probably ten years since I've ice fished Mackey, any tips on where to find the kokanee would be appreciated. I know it used to be just drop something small and pink to the bottom and then bring it up a couple of feet and you would find them. I've never caught any trout up there, do you find them closer to the shore up there? Thanks for any help in advance, I'll be sure to post a report when I get back.
How long is your auger ? Mine is 38" eskimo shark 10" and I have never needed an extension at Mackay . I was there 3 weeks ago and the ice was 24" and it has not been that cold since then . Curt G.
I have a shark also only an eight incher. I doubt it's been cold enough to add much ice. Thank you, I should be ok.
The last good report from up there came from in front of the middle of the dam . They caught both kokanee and trout . The trout were caught very close to the dam and the kokes about 20 yards out from it in deeper water . Good luck . Curt G.
There yesterday, Ice was at least 2 feet thick, Fishing was OK, Bites were extremely light (small Kokanee 8-10") on the bottom at times and at about 8-15' at times. pink is still a good color.

we were tipping with red corn and a meal worm, we were west of the dam past the cliffs..

I f I went back i would make sure I had good sharp hooks and probably just overhand the line with a bobber[Image: happy.gif] in the water to detect the strikes better.[fishin]

Good luck,
We decided that snow and 30mph winds wouldn't be a good day on the ice for kids used to Texas weather and decided to postpone until next weekend (weather permitting). Hopefully I'll have a report posted on Saturday afternoon.
Fished from 8:30 until 1:30 with only one rainbow landed. Saw a few schools of kokanee come through on the flasher but they didn't want to play. Between everybody we talked to up there I only saw three fish on the ice. The regulars said it was the worst fishing they've seen up there all winter. Just our luck. That's it for me this winter, hope my luck changes by November;-) .
Thanks for the report . I was going to head up that way next weekend . Now I won't .
Just talked to a guy who caught his limit in an hour on Saturday morning. He was fishing north of us (we fished off the campground). So maybe we were just in the wrong spot.