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Full Version: Bear Lake Saturday
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The Warrior Princess and I headed out from the pump house to 21' where we punched the first hole. She dropped her line down and wheeled in a pig of a whitefish. The next drop was a native cutt, at least no fin clip. We caught a limit of white fish both Bear Lake and Bonneville for the smoker. Also 2 nice cut throats for the barbecue. White fish hit on #8 green rat finkes with a small kast master with a rat finke on a leader tipped with waxworms. Cuts were caught on a white Swedish pimple tipped with Cisco and a New Year's Eve gitzit tipped with Cisco. Weather was tolerable with light snow. Ice was about 14" with 4 to 6" of snow on top. no slush.Access for the sleds was a little tricky as there is a large lip of ice pushed up on the shore. I drilled holes all the way out to 60 FOW nada. The bite shut down around 12:00 when the cold front pushed in. We had to drop the Aqua view down and watch to set the hook. All white fish were full of Cisco eggs.
Tomorrow we are heading out early to Gus Rich or the Rock Pile for a shot at lakers. Maybe.

Your either makin dust or your eatin it.
great report, nice looking fish there.

Curious if you know how the roads out to the lake are? We had some 10 inches of snow in our driveway, so I'm worried for the little road out to the restrooms. Figure the highway will have been cleared, but not the "backroads".

I have AWD, but not monster truck tires, so am I being a worry wart for nothing?
The roads on this side are no problem. We came up Friday to beat the storm, do not know about backside.
Tight lines.