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I hate to be "that guy," but you never know until you ask.
So I'm pretty new to ice fishing, but I would say my friends and I have had some decent success this winter.
I'm wondering if anyone is willing to talk about a decent place to go now that its getting later in the season?

I've been to UL, Rockport, Echo, Huntington, Cleveland, Scofield and Flaming Gorge. The best trips have been UL, Rockport and most recently Cleveland Res. (despite 3 ft. of snow and a foot of slush on top of the ice).

I think I've got the bait figured out, but consistent locations seem to elude me. I will say that I've had a lot more fun drillin holes and sitting on a giant ice cube than I thought I would. If anyone is willing to part with some advice I'd really appreciate it. I don't expect to learn about someone's secret spot, but it would be great to get a little "inside information"

Thanks in advance
For me it might be late, late season ice fishing because I have a lot going on now that has me putting off ice fishing. Perhaps I'll use my fly fishing pontoon boat as a sled for when I fall through, so I can continue fishing and fish that spot without using an auger.
Ha, yeah maybe a boat doubling as a sled would be advantageous...
I'll keep that in mind next time out, maybe I'll even bring my inflatable rubber ducky arm floats.
By the way, nice screen name.

"When one gets in bed with the government, one must expect the diseases it spreads."
- Ron Paul
Well a lot of the panfish areas do seem to get harder as time goes.on and oxygen levels drop, weeds die off, etc. I never do well at UL once read cold winter sets in, for instance. But that hasn't been PV, Starvation, and Echo this year apparently.

Lots of the trout lakes seem to do ok right up to ice off, and then again in the open water right at Strawberry, Starvation, and Rockport are still going for trout. I'm sure FG. if you know what you're doing.

And there have been some ok reports.on UL if you can find them..
Thanks for the info Springbuck. Yeah we killed it for white bass the first time at UL, every trip after was more or less a bust. I've noticed the trout lakes have stayed pretty good, even Echo... I never thought of it as much of a fishery. We've still been catchin perch at Jordanelle, but they've mostly been little guys. Went to Cleveland res. yesterday and did great, but there was a lot of slush, especially after we drilled.
I'll be headed to my home water of Flaming Gorge next weekend. Fortunately I know how/where to fish up there at least.

A friend and I were recdently commenting on how little we had heard about Huntington this year, especially early on. When did you fish it, and how did you do? Love to hear more about Clevland too if possible.

Well since I can't seem to sleep, why not share the experience? We only fished Huntington for about 30 minutes about 50 yards off the dam. We didn't get any bites, but we were only in one location. My buddy said he was more familiar with Cleveland so we went there. At Huntington there was about 2" of ice then 4" of slush then another foot (easily) of ice.
When we got to Cleveland we parked on I guess what you would consider to be the northwest turnout. There's an invasive muscle sign about 30 yards or so off the road down the hill towards the lake there. We walked out about 200 yards or so and drilled. It was slow at first, about 10:00 a.m., then things picked up and we averaged one or two rainbows about every 20-30 minutes for the rest if the day. Initially the bite was mainly on 1" white/glitter tube jigs and 1/16 oz. jig head tipped with a meal worm. Some hit the glow and some just regular. After that about 2-3 p.m. the trusty old worm and marshmallow was working best. The fish were at all levels in the column. There was about 6"-8" of slush under the snow and then about a foot of ice, give or take an inch or two. We were the only people out there most of the day, aside from the occasional snowmobile enthusiast. There was easily 3 ft of snow surrounding the lake. You'd be we'll suited to bring snowshoes or something. We did not and the hike out was damn near a death sentence.
Hope that helps, huntloco
Oh, and we fished both lakes on Friday