Ice just south of the confluence was 2ft thick everywhere. Solid, and snow covered due to 3-4 inches of snow that fell Saturday. I suppose most of that snow will blow away before long as the ice was clear and slick under the snow.
Ice in the Big Bend area is treacherous. Lots of pressure ridges, expansion cracks, and the wind has opened up some of those cracks into open water - along shore and even out in the middle over the channel. Most of it is 10+ inches, but there are weak spots to watch out for.
Fishing was fairly slow. A few mac pups, a few burbot. Nothing really noteworthy. Met up with WY F&G and they indicated it has been slower this week for most fisherman than it was in the recent past.
I'm on my way up there this weekend. I'm very familiar with the lake, but my experience has been exclusively during the summer (other than the burbot bash this year).
Do you know how far south the ice is safe? I know once you get past the pipeline it's usually not great, if there's any ice at all...
Sorry, I didn't go any further south than the south end of big bend, so can't report on southerly end of ice.
How far is big bend from buckboard? I'm sure I've been there on a boat, but never from land.
South a about a mile or so.
Big bend is south of buckboard or buckboard is south of big bend?
Big bend is south of buckboard.
[quote ProfessorChaos]How far is big bend from buckboard? I'm sure I've been there on a boat, but never from land.[/quote]
You say you are very experienced with the gorge,and you don't know where big bend is? Okkkk .Buy a good map,it will help you to learn the gorge
As mentioned, a map really helps to find your way around at the Gorge and when members are talking about certain locations. The best I have found is the Fish-n-map brand, most sporting goods stores have them but also try Utah/ Idaho map and school supply store. Big Bend is aprox 1 mile south of Buck board as the crow fly, longer by boat or driving[

Agree'd. One of the first things anyone should pick up when first learning Fg is "the map". While it wont teach a person everything about FG, it will steer them in the right direaction. Next comes the right bait/s,, thats easy. Then a person will have to train those fishies how to get the hook up right.. Easier said than done.
Well I'm sorry I don't have every area on a 91 mile lake memorized. Not that I need to explain myself to you or anyone else, but I've been going up there since I was an infant and I find often times an area is known by more than one name... but I appreciate your effort to question my comments.
Let me reiterate that I almost exclusively do my fishing from a boat up there during the summer and the only time I really go into Wyoming is on a holiday weekend when the Utah side tends to get a bit crowded.
Despite your negative questioning, you do make a good point. Everyone should have a map of the lake, or any other lake that size before they venture out. I guess I've become to reliant on the boat's GPS system and I should have remembered to bring my paper map home from the cabin.
So just so we're clear I guess I should say I'm relatively familiar with most parts of the lake and the surrounding area. I'd hate for someone to think I was just blowing the proverbial smoke.
So kokeking I guess I was just demonstrating my right to fail in order to capitalize on my ability to succeed. Great quote and I do not mean that sarcastically.
I never made one comment to you, get it right..
I know. I meant no offense to you at all coldfooter. Please accept my sincere apology. I should have addressed kokeking more clearly in both posts. I'm sorry for the confusion and I appreciate your input.
Understood, excepted, all good
[quote ProfessorChaos]So kokeking I guess I was just demonstrating my right to fail in order to capitalize on my ability to succeed. Great quote and I do not mean that sarcastically.[/quote]
Hey I just thought that someone as experience with the gorge as you claim to be. Should of known where big bend was. no harm ,no foul,my point is buy a good map,it will help.