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Full Version: Lost Box Starvation 2-26-13
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My buddy and I were at Starvation today for the windiest in Indian Bay. Wind was a lot better than the fishing. It was so good that it blew a clear plastic tackle box out of my buddy's sled. When we went back to look for it a couple of guys on the ice--they hadn't caught much either--said a guy in a white pickup truck had picked the box up off the ice and asked if it was theirs as he was leaving. Well, since they said it wasn't theirs he took the box and left. If anyone knows who the guy in the older model white Toyota (we think) might be, can you ask him to call my buddy Steve at 801-557-4809. He would be most appreciative to get his box of maps back.

[#0000FF][cool]Sorry for your loss. Probably represents a few bucks and a lot of time putting it together.

Another good argument for making sure all of your gear is labeled with your return information. Most other anglers will make an effort to return something that is returnable.
Hope you get your box back...I really need to take the time to label my stuff just in case.
Thanks for your condolences and good idea. It will probably save someone else down the road. The bag I keep my tackle in has my business card attached but I think I will put one of those address labels--of which I must have a million and half--on every one of my little boxes.. He had five years worth of notes and waypoints on those maps.! Someone once told my friend how lonely he must be because of how smart he was--well he didn't feel too smart yesterday. The guy who found it tried to find out who owned the box, he just didn't stick around long enough so we could find him.

Anyone know anybody that was fishing Indian Bay yesterday. He had a small Frabilll tent??
I was one of the two people you talked to yesterday. I might add one thing...or two...he had a black full Frabill suit on also and did all his fishing across the other side of Indian Bay and he was a young guy in his late 20's. I coulda swore it was a Chevy, but didn't really "notice"...sorry. Keep thinking I should told him to give it to me, but how would THAT look!!! He mentioned something about possibly leaving it by the toilets, and I told him "so that the next guy along gets it?" so that is why he took it, but I did mention for him to advertise on here!!! We'll see. I still haven't found the owner of a camera I found LAST WEEK!! Tell me what kinda, etc and it's YOURS!!
dang Dave that sucks i didnt think it was all that stuff in your box. Hopefully someone reads it and calls steve. that sucks man.
I've got yer box. I was gonna post it tonight but just saw your post. To bad the fishing wasnt all that great. oh well, still fun.
Good on ya!!!! There are still some honest people.
way to go man, he'll be happy to get that stuff back.
Thanks for all your help. They have made contact and I got to make fun of my friend in print.
Thanks Rich. We'll try and pay it forward in the near future.
Ya, we wish the fishin was just a little better too--dismal for perch that day. Good exercise.