after a great day at utah lake and a ok day at deer creek it was time for the berry i hit the lake around 8:30 fished off one point on the S.C. side for about 2 hours i got a few smaller bows 3 keeper bows moved to one of my big cut spots and what did i
find more little bows that was getting eaten by the cuts[cool]i only got one cut all day( i had my limit) [

] if ya can belive that it had this bow in it i was home before 2
I've seen those big ol' 8-12" soft Rainbow Trout at shops and wondered how and where you would use one... They're pricey, but maybe I'll troll one of those suckers this year and see what happens.
I think you are referring to Huddleston Swim baits.
They are really popular in Cali for giant largemouth bass, but I've seen pictures of 10+lb walleyes eating them too.
They have just the right profile and size. Got to work them really slow though I don't know how well trolling would work.
I meant troll them from my pontoon boat, which is uber slow. I should have said "drag".
That'll do it. Slowly working them a long the bottom is the best way to fish them from what I hear.
They are heavy baits though, gotta have a big rod that will handle the weight.
I'm always amazed how a 5-6lb fish can eat a 12" fish. I know the 10-15lb fish could eat something much bigger.
i even need to move to a bigger bait i cant keep the 8 to 12 inch bows off my hook when im looking for the big ones but if the food is there at least im in the right spot for the big ones