03-08-2013, 01:26 AM
03-08-2013, 05:54 PM
As a fishery biologist, I absolutley hate bucket bio's.
03-10-2013, 04:03 AM
As the story indicated, this might not be a matter of bucket "biology" rather someone wasting fish, but since we're on the topic...
Bucket "biologists" are scumbags who deserve the harshest penalties. It's astounding to me that people can be such selfish, ignorant, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging morons to wantonly disrupt or destroy a fishery or ecosystem for their own selfish gains.
A prime example of the stupidity of your average bucket "biologist" is Horsethief Reservoir. Some moron(s) put perch in there way back when. The perch never became anything but little stunted things that provided no value. And, the trout fishing suffered. The lake was poisoned. A few years later, some idiot(s) put perch back in the lake again. Guess what? They remained little stunted things and the trout fishing suffered. ID F&G poisoned the lake and started over again... What's really stupid is that there is a good perch fishery about 10 miles away that grows big perch. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Bucket "biologists" are scumbags who deserve the harshest penalties. It's astounding to me that people can be such selfish, ignorant, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging morons to wantonly disrupt or destroy a fishery or ecosystem for their own selfish gains.
A prime example of the stupidity of your average bucket "biologist" is Horsethief Reservoir. Some moron(s) put perch in there way back when. The perch never became anything but little stunted things that provided no value. And, the trout fishing suffered. The lake was poisoned. A few years later, some idiot(s) put perch back in the lake again. Guess what? They remained little stunted things and the trout fishing suffered. ID F&G poisoned the lake and started over again... What's really stupid is that there is a good perch fishery about 10 miles away that grows big perch. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
03-12-2013, 05:50 PM
Well I'm not sure how little stunted perch would any way hurt the trout fishing! If anything, it would give the trout something to eat. Take Oakley and Strike for instance! The trout caught through the ice this year were full of 3-4 inch perch! Not disagreeing with you that they are scum though! HOWEVER, all of the guys that are on this site that OVER HARVEST, are just as guilty for ruining our fishing! BUT, when you have a fish and game like ours that won't protect anything, it's hard to blame the fisherman! If you want to have better quality and more fish to catch, then we as fisherman need to be doing the protecting! We protect bass UNDER 12 inches in most all waters! W T F ? We don't protect any numbers or size of crappie, perch, bluegill or catfish!!!!!!! Why should any one person be able to take 100 perch or crappie out of Strike in ONE DAY? All those thousands of perch killed out of Strike were going to produce lots of baby perch to feed the rest of the lake! If people want good fisheries, then they better regulate themselves until the IDFG figures it out and puts more harvest and size regulations on warm water fish!!!!! I for one wish our fisherman were smart enough to figure this out on their own!!!
03-12-2013, 10:14 PM
We should flip flop the duties of the Fish and Game with the Immigration Dept. We'd have all kinds of wildlife and what few illegals we had would be small.
Idaho Power effectively killed steelhead and salmon fishing at Rock Creek Park. The poor sturgeon are starving to death.
Idaho Power effectively killed steelhead and salmon fishing at Rock Creek Park. The poor sturgeon are starving to death.

03-12-2013, 10:42 PM
[quote mr.jigr12]Well I'm not sure how little stunted perch would any way hurt the trout fishing! If anything, it would give the trout something to eat. Take Oakley and Strike for instance! The trout caught through the ice this year were full of 3-4 inch perch! Not disagreeing with you that they are scum though! HOWEVER, all of the guys that are on this site that OVER HARVEST, are just as guilty for ruining our fishing! BUT, when you have a fish and game like ours that won't protect anything, it's hard to blame the fisherman! If you want to have better quality and more fish to catch, then we as fisherman need to be doing the protecting! We protect bass UNDER 12 inches in most all waters! W T F ? We don't protect any numbers or size of crappie, perch, bluegill or catfish!!!!!!! Why should any one person be able to take 100 perch or crappie out of Strike in ONE DAY? All those thousands of perch killed out of Strike were going to produce lots of baby perch to feed the rest of the lake! If people want good fisheries, then they better regulate themselves until the IDFG figures it out and puts more harvest and size regulations on warm water fish!!!!! I for one wish our fisherman were smart enough to figure this out on their own!!![/quote]
I absolutely agree. I know one family that camps at strike for a month. A couple years ago when crappie were real good that one family caught and kept 1800 crappie. They also had a bunch of other fish including many catfish brood stock. At Cottonwood there was a dumpster full of dead crappie.
If you were able to see all the freezer burnt fish in trash cans it would make us all sick.
Every species should have a limit. Maybe crappie and perch would be a 25 fish limit but there should be a limit. Catfish are a valuable game fish in Idaho. But there is no limit and we do not protect the brood stock. Here is a question that some might know some might not. Where is the #1 channel catfish spot in North America?
The Red River in Manitoba Canada. Yep I said CANADA.
Manitoba protects the large fish. You can only keep I think 2 fish per year over 30" long. Because of this regulation the average cat in the red river in Manitoba is 30 pounds.
Now that might not mean a lot to some but there are a lot of NON-resident fishermen that go to Manitoba every year to catch huge channel cats. Our Snake river has that potential but the Idaho F&G don't even see them as a game fish.
Our game department needs to listen, maybe not all ideas are good but they need to listen. Ron
I absolutely agree. I know one family that camps at strike for a month. A couple years ago when crappie were real good that one family caught and kept 1800 crappie. They also had a bunch of other fish including many catfish brood stock. At Cottonwood there was a dumpster full of dead crappie.
If you were able to see all the freezer burnt fish in trash cans it would make us all sick.
Every species should have a limit. Maybe crappie and perch would be a 25 fish limit but there should be a limit. Catfish are a valuable game fish in Idaho. But there is no limit and we do not protect the brood stock. Here is a question that some might know some might not. Where is the #1 channel catfish spot in North America?
The Red River in Manitoba Canada. Yep I said CANADA.
Manitoba protects the large fish. You can only keep I think 2 fish per year over 30" long. Because of this regulation the average cat in the red river in Manitoba is 30 pounds.
Now that might not mean a lot to some but there are a lot of NON-resident fishermen that go to Manitoba every year to catch huge channel cats. Our Snake river has that potential but the Idaho F&G don't even see them as a game fish.
Our game department needs to listen, maybe not all ideas are good but they need to listen. Ron
03-13-2013, 12:57 AM
What a drag............
03-13-2013, 02:45 AM
Yeah a few years ago there was a group at cj that had so many big cats on a rope, it took three of them to lift it into there truck !!!!!!! Big ones too! Just to let you know Ron, we ( walleye club and some bass clubs) will be meeting next week the 20 th, to talk about several subjects! One topic will be limits and to stop gill netting for walleye. Or at the least, getting the IDFG to let us catch the walleye that are needed instead of killing hundreds of fish that don't need to be killed! Join us!!!
03-13-2013, 02:58 AM
Keep me posted I might go. Ron
03-13-2013, 04:37 AM
That's one thing I hate about CJ in the summer is the stink of the carcasses. I wish folks would just dump them back in the water where they caught em. There are alot of hunger critters out there. Big bass and walleye take a a long time to grow and taste like crap, please eat the shakers (12-13 inchers).
03-13-2013, 07:54 PM
Fo those of you who dont think thousands of stunted perch can affect trout. I have a question for you
What do you suppose the stunted perch eat?
Basic principle of a body of water
you can support only so much bio mass. It can be in the form of lots of little stuff or far fewer big stuff
What do you suppose the stunted perch eat?
Basic principle of a body of water
you can support only so much bio mass. It can be in the form of lots of little stuff or far fewer big stuff
03-14-2013, 02:36 AM
Yep. And CJ Strike has vastly more biomass than Horsethief Reservoir.
03-14-2013, 03:35 AM
I don't disagree that a body of water can end up with stunted fish! I have seen it happen to the west pond in Hagerman! It used to open on general fishing weekend and people fished it and harvested lots of HUGE bluegill and bass up to 7 pounds! Then our infamous IDFG changed the opener to July 1st!! Now it's so mossy and not near as many fish get harvested and now you can't catch 1 bluegill that's half the size they used to be! What do you think those trout are going to eat if there are no bugs, grubs, beetles to eat? Guess what? They fill up on baby perch just fine as well! I don't know of any body of water in this state that isn't OVER HARVESTED! You see this at strike! Great crappie fishing one year the next year it's good, the next year it's ok and then 2 or 3 years it SUCKS! We the people RUIN far more body's of water than stunted perch ever will!
03-14-2013, 11:22 PM
Amen. Years ago I worked on the Buckeye at a trout farm. Back then we used to get bluegill that would wash up on the screens, They were HUGE. Taking a few I don't believe hurts. I keep around 20 walleye a year at most. I used to keep around 40 crappie a year. The F&G wanted to harvest as many Perch out of Carey lake as passable so for a couple years my friends, and I pounded them. They had a big run off and a lot of water went into the desert. I wasn't able to find a fish the last couple years.
I think if people would only keep what they can eat that week like my family and I will eat 6 walleye a week maybe 10 crappie a week. If a fish never ended up in the freezer there would be less waste in my opinion. Once they hit the freezer the next time they come out they go in the garbage, but I might be wrong. Ron
I think if people would only keep what they can eat that week like my family and I will eat 6 walleye a week maybe 10 crappie a week. If a fish never ended up in the freezer there would be less waste in my opinion. Once they hit the freezer the next time they come out they go in the garbage, but I might be wrong. Ron
03-14-2013, 11:51 PM
Yep went to Hagerman today and kept 3 bluegill for my dad and turned loose around 12-15!
03-14-2013, 11:56 PM
Well done. Ron
03-15-2013, 12:08 AM
[quote idahoron]
I absolutely agree. I know one family that camps at strike for a month. A couple years ago when crappie were real good that one family caught and kept 1800 crappie. They also had a bunch of other fish including many catfish brood stock. At Cottonwood there was a dumpster full of dead crappie.
If you were able to see all the freezer burnt fish in trash cans it would make us all sick.
Every species should have a limit. Maybe crappie and perch would be a 25 fish limit but there should be a limit. Catfish are a valuable game fish in Idaho. But there is no limit and we do not protect the brood stock. Here is a question that some might know some might not. Where is the #1 channel catfish spot in North America?
The Red River in Manitoba Canada. Yep I said CANADA.
Manitoba protects the large fish. You can only keep I think 2 fish per year over 30" long. Because of this regulation the average cat in the red river in Manitoba is 30 pounds.
Now that might not mean a lot to some but there are a lot of NON-resident fishermen that go to Manitoba every year to catch huge channel cats. Our Snake river has that potential but the Idaho F&G don't even see them as a game fish.
Our game department needs to listen, maybe not all ideas are good but they need to listen. Ron[/quote]
A limit wouldn't solve this in Idaho. Even with a limit you are allowed to do whatever you want with that limit behind your doors, then go back for another limit. Never understood that, but that is the way it is. Utah is a possession limit and that means you catch your limit, you eat it before you can go back for more. but no canning or Freezing which kinda sucks...need a happy medium[
I absolutely agree. I know one family that camps at strike for a month. A couple years ago when crappie were real good that one family caught and kept 1800 crappie. They also had a bunch of other fish including many catfish brood stock. At Cottonwood there was a dumpster full of dead crappie.
If you were able to see all the freezer burnt fish in trash cans it would make us all sick.
Every species should have a limit. Maybe crappie and perch would be a 25 fish limit but there should be a limit. Catfish are a valuable game fish in Idaho. But there is no limit and we do not protect the brood stock. Here is a question that some might know some might not. Where is the #1 channel catfish spot in North America?
The Red River in Manitoba Canada. Yep I said CANADA.
Manitoba protects the large fish. You can only keep I think 2 fish per year over 30" long. Because of this regulation the average cat in the red river in Manitoba is 30 pounds.
Now that might not mean a lot to some but there are a lot of NON-resident fishermen that go to Manitoba every year to catch huge channel cats. Our Snake river has that potential but the Idaho F&G don't even see them as a game fish.
Our game department needs to listen, maybe not all ideas are good but they need to listen. Ron[/quote]
A limit wouldn't solve this in Idaho. Even with a limit you are allowed to do whatever you want with that limit behind your doors, then go back for another limit. Never understood that, but that is the way it is. Utah is a possession limit and that means you catch your limit, you eat it before you can go back for more. but no canning or Freezing which kinda sucks...need a happy medium[

03-15-2013, 12:14 AM
I kind of understand where IDRon is coming from, if i may add a little something to it. if your in favor if strict limits, why not go the route of punch cards like they do for salmon in WA? would be easy to enforce i would think. go up to some folks, look at their cards, no holes punched by 6 fish in possesion? ticket. would be a huge pain in the ^%$ though
03-15-2013, 12:34 AM
Oh I agree, and a card would be cool. But again, Idaho has no possession law once it is past your front door. The punch card makes a lot of sense in that aspect as there is no drop off and go back for more.
03-15-2013, 12:44 PM
nice gill !