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Does anybody know if the ice is gone or going soon from here? Has anybody fished Cutler latety?
I bet it will be pretty soon with the warm weather we are having. I saw some open areas in the backwaters while driving into Logan today, and I'm pretty sure I saw some open areas in the main lake from the highway as I was heading east from Newton.
The river is open and most of Cutler is opening, I wouldn't trust the ice at all right now... Have seen people fishing the open spots, but I haven't seen any body catching much... some told me the crappie aren't coming in yet.... The cats were very slow moving and almost undetectable without a fishfinder to know when you get a bite... Probably needs more warmth to turn things on, the warm water fish don't seem to have the feeding frenzy the trout do when the ice comes off. But I'm always looking to learn something new if you know how to catch them this time of year, let me know... Later J
[cool] it's amazing to me how excited you get this time of year when you here the words "Open Water" Thanks you made my day! The mud motor was growing mold!I've done well after ice off for cats. Nightcrawlers seem to be the bait of choice in the spring. A friends brother does well with shrimp also. I havent fished for crappie/walleye much here, any size to them? I did catch a 6lb walleye below the dam about five years ago That was fun.
I think the only open launch in Benson will be up by the Ballard Bridge north of the church. The marina has open water out in the channel but last I seen the ramp would still be iced in. Remember your new invasive species permit. Good luck and let me know what ya find. Walleye I caught last year were small but I let em all go so they're still growing. Later J
I took the scenic way home from work tonight and checked both marinas. Lots of open water, but both launches are still iced in. It's supposed to just keep getting warmer though, nearly 60 by Thursday, so I think it will be gone by the end of the week.
Ballard river launch is open, I checked it to make sure but the fishing was slow no nibbles in about half an hour before sundown. Looked like someone had launched a boat there recently. Hope the fish will start biting but I know they usually seem slow waking up. Later J
I should have clarified, Benson Marina and Cache Junction launches are still ice bound. The River looks to be 100% open.
Concur - I did the rounds too. The river seems open except for some icy shoulders in places. The River launch is open and accessible (hmmm, scraped the last snow off the boats yesterday!)

The sloughs still have ice, though it's looking pretty rotten. My minnow puddle is still iced, but not for long. Plenty brown water.

CJ parking lot is slushy and mushy, though the ramp itself is snow-free. I could walk out on the ice - thinking maybe with waders - could try for some shallow kitty nibbles? The bridge - up the canyon - main channel all open. You could launch a canoe or tube.
Benson marina - open water under the bridge and flowing down the main channel. But still and ice-ledge up to the launch and snow across the ramp and parking lot.

But elsewhere - the river seems open. Didn't find any fishy-nibbles, but just dinking around. Didn't hit my hottest spots, just testing the waters.
It's getting there, but I think I'll stick to trout for the next few weeks. Once those Preston lakes ice off and clear I'll be up their chucking jerkbaits, but for now it's just nice to see water instead of ice. I did notice a couple of carp wallowing around in the little bit of open water by the church on Sunday. I might have to go throw some glo bugs at them.