We made the long drive to E lake. The ice is really thick with a little slush in some spots and quite a bit of snow still on the lake. We walked to the first inlet off the dam end. Found tigers in 15 to 40 feet of water. The bite was really lite and we had several quick releases. Brought home six. They are long and skinny.
Nice report SF, thanks for posting and the pic. Was there still a lot of snow as you were getting to the lake?
There was about 6 inches on the lake. We wish we had taken our snow shoes so we didn't break through the crust layer. There was still enough snow across the dam that we could pull the sled.
Thanks for the report! Was there any snow in the roads?
Roads are clear but you have to park along the road as they didn't clear out the spot by the gate. Also there is a lot of ice, close to three feet.