03-19-2013, 09:00 AM
Haven&#39;t posted in a while, did the Crappie Tournament yesterday with my buddy David. We started out with winds probably in the 15mph range at 8am and then from 9:30am on it seemed they were 25mph plus making for very difficult fishing. We started off fishing deep brush piles and stumps in 15-20ft of water. David caught 3 nice Crappie before I even go a bite. Then I got THE bite using 16oz weedless Outlaw Special BG Jig. I stuck a fish that I knew was big and David was ready with the net. It was obvious it was over 2lbs in the water, I got it close and he netted it then you could tell it looked closer to 3lbs. On my digital scale it weighed 3.1oz and a fraction. My personal best and second 3 pounder I&#39;ve caught and very nice to catch on a tournament day. I think we got a few more casts before the wind picked up to unfishable levels forcing us off this big fish spot. We were forced to shoot docks in protected slews the rest of the day, we had rough water most of the day. We successfully caught fish throughout the day mainly on docks using 1/32oz jigs, sometimes going to 1/16oz, culling our fish as we went. <br /><br />I&#39;ve been trying to catch a big Crappie for the contest for Hamilton&#39;s. We won the tournament and won Big Fish. I took the Crappie to Hamilton&#39;s to be weighed, it weighed 3.2oz on their scale. It took the lead, sorry Muscrat. Will see how long it hangs on in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime I will continue to try for bigger. <br /><br />Thanks to Jim, Hippie and Groomer for putting on another fun tournament. Also thanks Candi for the great pictures and help. Also thanks to the great DK for coming to weigh in and showing your support.<br /><br />I thought about having this fish mounted but just couldn&#39;t do it. David and I took the fish back to the lake, it was still very strong and easily swam away.