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Full Version: Semi-impromptu service project.
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So, for Young Men's tonight, we took canoes over to Salem pond to do some fishing and paddling about. When we got there, I was the only one with fishing equipment and a license so we changed the focus. We paddled around the pond picking up trash that was in the water and caught in the bullrushes, trees, and other vegetation. Altogether, we got about 2 big trash bags full of random stuff.

The good part: We didn't find any body parts or anything requiring law-enforcement notification or a really good alibi.

The bad part: Almost 1/3 of the stuff that we picked up was fishing-related trash. Foam nightcrawler containers, hook packs, discarded fishing line, beer cans with line tied to them, etc... It really hacked me off. [mad] I can't stand it when other fishermen give us a bad image.

Good job picking up the trash. What is young mens,a scout troop or something?
Good job! It is unfortunate that some people that fish or picnic have been deprived of ever having seen a trash can in their lives. I feel sorry for them that they don't know what they are for.
I believe it's an LDS program for teenage boys.
Regardless who or what organization sponsored the group they deserve a wholehearted thanks. GOOD ON YA BOYS!!!
Yeah, it's an LDS program done in conjunction with scouting. I'm one of the leaders of the Venturers/Priests. 16-18 year olds.

I too tip my hat to you and your young men. It not only does a service in immediate clean up but maybe also teaches a lesson about leaving trash as they move forward in life. Good on ya.