11-15-2003, 03:31 AM
we have had a story that every michigan hunter knows , two buddys that went hunting and vanished off the face of the earth . there last known sighting was at an argument at a bar between to brothers over a deer .
the two brothers as seen on the newscasts were described as local bullies , terrorising everyone around for miles .it took years of investigation and the conchinces of those who heard the bragging and the threats of "we'll do the same thing to you " before several witnesses got the courage to step forward with there testamony . the testamony was very graphic . how all these people could have knowledge of the incident and be so fearfull of the brothers retaliation shows me that these were more than bullies , they were monsters .
MEN SENTENCED: Two northern Michigan brothers will spend the rest of
their lives in prison for the murder of two downstate hunters. The hunters
were last seen in the Mio area in November of 1985. Their bodies have
never been found. After hearing more than a weeks worth of testimony last
month, it took a jury just two hours to find Raymond and Donald Duvall
guilty of first degree murder. One witness testified she saw the brothers
beat Brian Ojgin and David Tyll to death. Others testified the brothers
put their bodies in a tree shredder and fed them to pigs. Today, a judge
sentenced the Duvall brothers to life without the chance of parole.
they recived two life senteces each without the possibility of paroll .
the two brothers as seen on the newscasts were described as local bullies , terrorising everyone around for miles .it took years of investigation and the conchinces of those who heard the bragging and the threats of "we'll do the same thing to you " before several witnesses got the courage to step forward with there testamony . the testamony was very graphic . how all these people could have knowledge of the incident and be so fearfull of the brothers retaliation shows me that these were more than bullies , they were monsters .
MEN SENTENCED: Two northern Michigan brothers will spend the rest of
their lives in prison for the murder of two downstate hunters. The hunters
were last seen in the Mio area in November of 1985. Their bodies have
never been found. After hearing more than a weeks worth of testimony last
month, it took a jury just two hours to find Raymond and Donald Duvall
guilty of first degree murder. One witness testified she saw the brothers
beat Brian Ojgin and David Tyll to death. Others testified the brothers
put their bodies in a tree shredder and fed them to pigs. Today, a judge
sentenced the Duvall brothers to life without the chance of parole.
they recived two life senteces each without the possibility of paroll .