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Full Version: Posting the Salmon and Steelhead counts.
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I've decided that the Bonneville Corp. of Engineers fish count site is a pain in the rear. So I'm going to make a sticky post where i will list the Bonneville Corp. Fish counts for Chinnook and Steelhead every week leading up to their seasons. This will make it easier on you guys. you can just click the post while visiting the site to check up on the numbers. I will post the the total amount of each of the two species over Bonneville Dam and Lower Granite as well as the number from the previous year at the exact time. so we can keep track of how the run is fairing compared to the last season.
That is awesome! Thank you for putting in the time to do that!
Historically we are looking good for chinook right now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this run crushes F&G's predictions.
Well that makes 2 of us, I went and got myself addicted to Salmon fishing last summer above Challis... I'll never be the same!!
Quote:Historically we are looking good for chinook right now.

HuH? I gotta disagree. We are doinng better than last year BUT the water was raging this time last year and fish wernt passing.

10 year adult average is 900+ or so. This year is sitting at 123. I dont think its looking good at all. Still early though so who knows. I really, really hope the run prediction is way off. But I bet it aint.

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phutch30 I feel the same way other than the prediction might be above the actual run again. That is what worries me on these predictions. Last year they slaughtered them on the lower river and it sounds like not many people catching fish below bonny dam. I have a feeling it will be a tough go this year.
I checked the last 6 years up to the 24th and the counts were all around the same over the Bonneville for this time. Aside from last year. Which was low.