Bonneville Dam
Chinook- 190,747
Lower Granite
Chinook- 62,956
Bonneville Dam
Chinook- 106,414
Lower Granite
Chinook- 34,651
So I am no expert on the subject, but it seems there a ton of steelhead right now. Are they fall run come early or is it a very good summer run? Any guesses on how long it takes a fish to get to the Clearwater from the dam?
the steelhead coming over Bonn right now are summers.
It has begun.
yea total numbers are significantly ahead of last year and 10 yr ave.
Lets hope it continues
Cromejunky-Where you gettng your count numbers?
I have
2014-259 adults
2013-168 adults
10yr ave- 126 adults
[url "http://www.fpc.org/adultsalmon/AdultCumulativeTable.asp"]http://www.fpc.org/adultsalmon/AdultCumulativeTable.asp[/url]
I'm getting them from the Bonneville Corp. website i just messed up the dates on the post. when i posted it last night the 27th wasn't available and i brain farted and made the date on the post the 28th. my bad.
Seems to be a lot (realitive) of jacks for this early in the run.
Updated. First fish over lower granite should be any day now.
Updated!!!! First fish of 2014 over Lower Granite!!!!! Woo hoo!!!! Broke 200 over Bonneville too!!!!
you are just as excited as I am. I have had such a bad past couple of weeks that I have all my leaders tied, rods checked, and gear purchased already. Only thing missing is the fish being here. Probably a good thing cause if they were, I might not graduate in May cause I would be fishing everyday. I will see you on the river!
Updated. Expect bigger numbers over bonneville every day now. 790 fish yesterday and we are well ahead of last year as of this date. I'm getting more anxious with every day that passes. Waiting for that first fillet to go on the grill the day it was caught. Lord help me......
DUDE. I am stoked. Lets hope its a banner year.
Over 900 over yesterday.
Straight killing it!!!!! Things are looking so good right now!!!!
Updated! A lot can happen in a few days. first day with over 2,000 fish over Bnneville. I'm wondering if there will be a couple hundred over Lower Granite by the 26th. That's what it normally takes for the first couple of fish to meet the Comb!!!!