03-27-2013, 09:00 AM
Richard Boehm from Dickson, TN and his Dad, Henry (from Mississippi) have been regular clients for a years. They meet in Chattanooga to fish with me and yesterday they brought along Richard&#39;s future father-in-law, Darrell Winn. They also brought along the traditional Boehm luck (or skill). emoWorthy <br /><br />They always book crappie trips before turkey season because once it opens, they are in the turkey woods non-stop. It seems we always have great trips together, but I was worried about yesterday&#39;s crappie bite with the up &amp; down weather we&#39;ve had. <br /><br />We started off at sunrise like gangbusters, in the rain, in Wolftever Creek. We put a 15-fish limit in the livewell in about an hour, all fairly shallow... 10 feet or less. Then the rain quit and the bite shutdown like flipping a lightswitch. We struggled until Noon-thirty catching lots of short fish, but only had 8 more keepers. Finally I said, &quot;We&#39;ve got to make a big move,&quot; and headed out main lake to one of my traditional deeper water areas. For once I made a smart decision. emoApplause <br /><br />We got to the new area just before 1 pm with 23 keepers ... at 5:11 we put our 60th keeper in the livewell, along with a bunch of big yellow bass and a few misc. cats and big bluegill. When the Boehm&#39;s come to Chattanooga, they expect to stock the freezer. I had called a friend on the water who moved out with us and they put a limit in the boat as well. We actually caught mostly white crappie, a couple of 2 lb.-plus fish, with a few fat black crappie thrown in. All caught in 10-15 feet of water slow trolling 1/16th oz. tube jigs... sometimes tipped with minnows (although I really don&#39;t think the minnows matter). I am really getting the hang of the i-Pilot now and was able to record a track and troll pretty much &quot;hands-free.&quot; It&#39;s just incredible! emoThumbsup <br /><br />As usual, it was an awesome day with some great folks that are great fun to fish with. That means life is good and gettin&#39; better every day. emoBig
<br /><br />(l-r) Darrell Winn, Richard Boehm, Henry Boehm (I&#39;ll post a little video later)<br />