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Full Version: 2013 Cold/Warm Water Fly Fishing Contest
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Time to start the first ever 2013 Utah Fly Fishing Contest. Due to state law we can only have 49 people enter for this type of contest. Registration starts today and will close on May 1st 2013 or earlier if full. Please be on time. Contest starts APRIL 1ST 2013. Contest will end NOVEMBER 1ST 2013. Winners will be announced by November 15th.

1. No entry fee this year.

2. Only entries of fish caught on a fly rod, fly reel, and
flies will be considered as entries. No "fly and bubbles", lures, jigs, etc. (you should be ble to find your flies in the fly section of your fish shop.)

3. Absolutely no baits or scents allowed.

4. Must be a registered member of BFT to enter.

5. Points will be awarded by the half inch.

6. Must have a picture with the fish on the ground next to the tape with the contest word. It can be on a piece if paper or the sand but IT MUST BE CLEARLY WRITTEN!
If the fish is caught on a pontoon or float tube you may use your apron to hold the fish but the apron must be straight. As for the measuring process you must use a tape measure and it must be straight with no kinks.
The contest word must be clearly visible on a peice of paper (which can be inside a plastic bag if needed.)

7. Pictures of fish in the air next to a tape will not count. All pictures must be taken at the lake or river.

8. Picture should be taken from end of ruler, ruler laid on the ground under/next to fish. Need to be able to see both ends of the tape.

9. Check that your camera’s date is set, photos will be judged as current based on their “creation date” in the file information.

10. Points will be awarded for up to eight fish.

11. Only 1 fish entry may be a non-game/non-sport fish.

12. One fish must come from the following list. (Black Crappie, Yellow Perch, Bluegill/Green Sunfish pictures (grouped together), Bullhead Catfish, White Bass)

13. Two Fish must be a trout species.

14. The other five fish may be any native or non-native sportfish.

15. Utah public waters only. Reciprocal lakes count as Utah waters.

16. Rivers must be in Utah only and fish cannot be caught on Private Sections of any river.

17. You must post your own fish for it to get credit.
I can help anyone who has problems resizing or posting their photos. Please post your photos in JPEG format. Please do not post large pictures inline. If you want to post some to “tell your story” downsize, but a large entry photo helps confirm accuracy and measure (zoom). Please watch the glare – I need to read the numbers.

18. Posts must include species (common name) of fish, date caught, and length of fish.

19. You do not need to post the name of the lake from where you caught the fish.

20. Anyone harassing another contestant for posting the name of a lake will be disqualified.

21. Anyone found cheating will be disqualified.


$50 Gift Certificate to the Fish Shop of the Winner's Choice.

$25 Gift Certificate to Anglers Den.

3 Furled leaders and an assortment of slip boobers.

Canvas Leader wallet with 3 different lengths of 2/4 and 5/7 sized leaders for a total of 6 leaders

Check back for more prizes to come.

Entries should be posted within 2 weeks of the catch.

Entries can be upgraded.
For Example: If you catch a larger Perch but have one posted already no problem. Post the new perch and your points will be adjusted. You don't get points for both fish but the larger one will be the one counted.

Please check your pictures of fish on the lake if you can. If it's moved and doesn't show the full length of the fish, I'm sorry but I go with what shows up in the picture. Points are based on the photos. No limit on size of photos this year but please don't abuse this. If anyone has reason to contest a photo or entry, please do so via PM to me, do not challenge an entry on the open forum. If you notice any errors of questions about my tracking – again – shoot me a pm.

New Rule: Photos need to be posted to BFT - not links to another site. Photos must include the contest word and a clear shot of the ruler to be counted. Take extra pictures to be sure of getting one that shows clear evidence of your catch and the contest word!
The contest word is..... "BWO".

BWO must be capitalized.
Looks like tomorrow I shall catch my little dinker friends to enter in the contest. Let's hope that the water will warm up so I can hit some of my bass and bluegill spots. [cool]
how do we sign up
You have to tell TDT you want to be in the contest or just catch a fish quickly and post it on here as a new thread. . You need to have a paper with your user name as well with the word BWO next too your fish that you caught as well tape measure.

Don't forget make a thread that says 2013 Fly fishing and your user name. Post all of your great big fish you catch [Wink].
[quote Delement87]how do we sign up[/quote]

This was the correct place to post. I check it often.

Newly added member is...................

[quote Flyfishinglover]You have to tell TDT you want to be in the contest or just catch a fish quickly and post it on here as a new thread. . You need to have a paper with your user name as well with the word BWO next too your fish that you caught as well tape measure.

Don't forget make a thread that says 2013 Fly fishing and your user name. Post all of your great big fish you catch [Wink].[/quote]
It is a bit more complicated than that. Make sure to read the rules and regs carefully to avoid confusion.
I was just giving him some basic info if he missed all the major info and just saw my name too ask me about it ha ha ha.

Well the season started off pretty good so far for me so I'm happy. [cool]

As well you should text me more often so we can go back on the fishing hunt again.
so when you say:
Quote:3. Absolutely no baits or scents allowed.

But does that include WD40?

you talking about being added to the fly, right?
I assume the angler can stink as much as they want.

Tell ya, missing out on all the fun. Nothing like reaching into a bag of stinky carp minnows, or digging out the dough.
Comes to my cats - the stinkier the better! Though I do prefer shrimp, they make me hungry!

I wanna see some toothy Musky and Pike on a fly!

Have fun flingers.
[quote CoyoteSpinner]so when you say:

3. Absolutely no baits or scents allowed.

But does that include WD40?

you talking about being added to the fly, right?
I assume the angler can stink as much as they want.

Tell ya, missing out on all the fun. Nothing like reaching into a bag of stinky carp minnows, or digging out the dough.
Comes to my cats - the stinkier the better! Though I do prefer shrimp, they make me hungry!

I wanna see some toothy Musky and Pike on a fly!

Have fun flingers.[/quote]

Can you find WD-40 in the fly section of the fish shop? Nope!

But I do remember reading a post where the author took a pee on their fly to catch trout on the weber river.[crazy]
[quote CoyoteSpinner]

I wanna see some toothy Musky and Pike on a fly!

I live to please you, Yote. Thy will be done.
This should be fun. These contests are more like fishing scavenger hunts and can be a great learning experience. Please put me on the contestant list. I'm a novice when it comes to flyfishing, but I would like to give it a whirl. [cool]
Sounds fun, count me in.
Hope YOU know the WD40 business is a joke, or - intended to be anyway!

As for 'wee' flies, Um - one word. Asparagus?
sorry - never mind.

Go Dave! "Make it so"!
I'll send you a home-made wacky fly, or cap-spinner if you beat me to a toothy beast!
[quote TroutBumDave][quote CoyoteSpinner]

I wanna see some toothy Musky and Pike on a fly!

I live to please you, Yote. Thy will be done.[/quote]

First real trip down to Yuba was a hell of a lot of fun.

[Image: IMG-20130423-00216_zpsdcd4fc37.jpg]

You'll notice no steel leader... I double looped 25lb braid and that seemed to work pretty well. I only lost two fish that cut the line, landed three others and had quite a few biters.

BTW, taking a picture with a ruler, the BWO sign, and a flopping pile of teeth, all while on a pontoon boat, sucks the big one.

[Image: IMG-20130423-00208_zpsb62ed106.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20130423-00209_zps62ae06f2.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20130423-00210_zps11d0a0ff.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20130423-00214_zps1138b9ae.jpg]
Aw cheese - you beat me to it! Sucker! K- I owe ya one. Suggestion is a Big Dawg and a Buffalo burget on the deck at the White Owl. But you'll have to come-n-get it!

[url ""]Ermagerd[/url]!~ (gotta read 'em out loud) - so is that your entry? Where's the OTHER end of the tape?

I got some big-ugly flies at the ready. Gonna skate skate skate them suckers in front of a big phat carp - I tells you!
Just a heads up I will need someone to start announcing prizes or some one to hold what I'm contributing before the middle of October, I'm moving back to Europe the middle of October
Are you asking a mod or a member to do this?

Anyway I can meet up with you before October and pick up the prize. Flygoddess already handed me the chest pack and other fly goodies. Man it is SWEET!!!![cool]

I always could use an excuse to travlel north and fish.[Wink]
I gave mine to Troy already.
Nice job Dave!