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Full Version: New record...again
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Hey all, We didn't go Saturday but I did take my son yesterday...there were people playing in the water at our hole and making a the four boats blasting thru didn't help im sure...we didn't get squat from 1:30 to 5...but about a half hour after all the noise makers left I set a new personal best for line is all shredded and I'm surprised it didn't break with this monster on the hook...bent the crap outta my hook though...ended up catching this beauty with two carloads and some bank guys watching...kinda fun to finish strong with and audience...LOL
That is an awesome fish. Congrats.

Wow, as big as that fish was, you needed an even bigger audience.....ever thought of bleachers?!! Congrats on a monster. Mike
nice fish what part of the snake are you on?
Thanks guys! Well that's the first time Ive had an audience like that...I was nervous I would fail and lose him though...I've hooked up on big ones down there and lost them more often than not...LOL

Hey Bug, I'm on the Snake South of Boise...
Wow, great fish, do you have any idea how long he was?
Hey guess is about 9 to 9' 6" but he was heavy as hell...I tried to lift him from underneath and could barely budge him...and I'm a pretty big boy..LOL Got an 8 footer there the other day too...big ones are hungry!