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Full Version: 2013 Catfish Challenge, Rules, Entries
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FINAL RESULTS 2013 10_19_13

Ok, at long last (sorry, tail tucked!) I have the FINAL results and tallys. I've actually been hesitating to apply the final formula, like waiting for Xmas day to reveal.

Gotta say - I LOVE this! Ya'll have been great competitors, you south have fought tooth and nail, and made a dominant amount of entries. It's just too bad some people are able to nab those monsters from the north!

[inline "2013 Final Graphs.jpg"]

[inline "2013 Final Scores.jpg"]
Grand Team Total: It's a PUSH! Check my numbers, check my calculations, double check I've got all the entries in, PLEASE! But - the Top-5 I'm seeing comes out at 151 each. And despite a lot of dominant 30+ entries from the south, I tip my catfishing hat to UTCatman, comes in with a 33.5" toad, one of two entries - to take the grand lead for first biggest fish, with Boatloadakids for first place overall.

[inline "2013 Final Scores All.jpg"]

We have Danielc with a 31" Carp to nail that category. And I want to commend CatCarsen and Boatloadakids for their determination, and time spent on the water! CatCarsen is our YOUTH CHAMP, and will receive special honors and awards for his great catches and contributions.

It's been a long adventure, and I've been impressed with everyones civil and entertaining contributions. Thank you all for making it a fun contest to entertain. I'm still itching to scratch that 30 inch mark. It'll happen!

I'll work on getting prizes and awards out.
Open invite - anyone who entered and wants some BFT stickers, just drop me your snail mail. On the way.
[center]Utah Cat Fishing Challenge: North vs the South
Welcome to start of the 2013 Utah Cat Fishing Challenge. This will be the second Catfish Challenge. There will be both individual competition, and a team competition. Due to state law we can only have 49 people enter for this type of contest.
Registration starts today and will close on May 31st or earlier if full. Entries will be counted once payment is received.

Contest will end September 30th, 2013. Winners will be announced by Oct 15th. [/left]
[left][#BF0000]NOTE: Date Change for entries
[left][#BF0000] - Starts Apr 10th Ends Sept 30th[/#BF0000]

1. Five dollar entry fee for the contest.[font "Calibri"]
[/font]2. Must be a registered member of BFT to enter.
3. Points will be awarded by the half inch. Entries will be based on length measured nose to pinched tail. Weight measures are welcome, but not required, nor will weight count towards points, but may be used for bragging rights.
4. Must have a picture with the fish on the ground next to the tape, the BFT logo and your BFT username. There is printable logo at the bottom of this post. Please lay your catch from one end of the tape, and be sure numbers are clear and visible. Check your pictures.
Pictures of fish in the air next to a tape will not count for points. Tape should be laid or stretched flat. All pictures must be taken at the lake or river where caught.
5. You may select to enter as a member of Northern Utah, or Southern Utah (see map). Points will be awarded for up to three cats per individual, and the longest five for an entire team will earn the whole team bragging rights.
6. Boundaries will be drawn at the line on the map. Northern Region: From the Idaho border southward, to include all areas north of Salt Lake City, including the Weber River, Willard Bay, Bear River, and Cutler Marsh. The Southern Region will include Utah Lake, Jordan River, everything south of Salt Lake.
7. The target of the competition will be Channel Catfish, but Bullheads can be entered if you choose. You may submit as many entries as you want (within reason) and the best 3 will count towards your total.
8. You must follow Utah’s Legal guidelines with regards to bait, number of lines, hooks, etc. Fish must be caught with a rod, this competition will not include setlines.
9. Though you are welcome to fish anywhere legal to do so, if you enter as a member of a team, your entries must come from the areas listed for your region, and though you don’t have to divulge any exact location, the name of the water must be shared.
10. You must post your own fish for it to get credit. I can help anyone who has problems resizing or posting their photos. Please post your photos in JPEG format on the BFT forum, rotated portrait. Please be sure the tape-measure can be read clearly in the photo.
11. Posts must include type of fish, date caught, name of lake/river, and length of fish.
12. Anyone harassing another contestant for posting the name of a lake will be disqualified. An entrant is welcome to offer what bait/rig they used, but this is not required, and same harassment rule applies in that regard. Entrants are encouraged to release any fish over 10 lbs, but legal limits are the rule. Again, no harassment of entrants for their posts or personal choices.[font "Calibri"]
[/font]13. Anyone found cheating will be disqualified.[font "Calibri"]
[/font]14. Anyone disqualified forfeits their entry fee.[font "Calibri"]
The team award will win that region[/font][font "Calibri"] Super-Catfish-Bragging-Rights[/font][font "Calibri"] for the next year.
The contest will accept entries caught and posted between [#BF0000]April 10th[/#BF0000] through[#BF0000] Sept 30th[/#BF0000]. There will be a monthly award each month for longest cat. [/font]

[font "Calibri"]Check back for more prizes to come. We hope to have some T-shirts, Tackle, and other goodies.
Half of the entry monies will go to the First place individual winner, the remainder of the entry money will be split amongst the winning team, as long as each participant has made at least one entry. If you don’t submit an entry, you won’t qualify for prizes, though the “Bragging Rights” go to the whole team. If you are the first place winner and are on the winning team, you will only get the first place award.
NOTE: All pay outs may need to be adjusted downward if an insufficient number of paid entries are received
BONUS AWARD: $25 Gift for the Biggest Carp caught on a rod (sorry, no stags or bow-shots).
Carp will not count towards your total points. One a single carp award at the end of the contest.
Placement based on total points as judged by BFT moderators. Any and all ties for total fish will be broken by the longest fish posted. Also this year’s top winner will have their entry fee next year waved as the defending grand champion.

If you catch a larger Cat than one you posted already, no problem. Post the new fish and your points will be adjusted. You don't get points for both fish but the larger one will be the one counted. Please don’t go overboard and post 300 fish is all. Standings will be adjusted weekly.

Please check your pictures on the lake where you caught the fish if you can. If it moved and doesn't show the full length of the fish I'm sorry but I go with what shows up in the picture. Points are based on the photos. No limit on size of photos this year but please don't abuse this.[font "Calibri"]

[/font]Reply to this post and I'll send you the info of where to send your money and enter you in the contest. Any questions are welcomed too. Paypal is accepted, or mailed payments. Your entries will not be counted without confirmed payment.
Once entries are received, I will list on this post who has entered, and which team they belong to. Then you can add a “reply” with your entries, and I’ll update the opening post with the results.

[left]Good luck, and have fun out there you Mad-Catters!
Unstick, last bump.
Thanks again to all the participants.