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So I received my 2nd annual invite to hit the weber club with Leaky and sparky, which is a rare and special treat.

Sparky seemed to take the lead to the holes and Leaky seemed to know all the fish sizes in the holes on a personal "1st name basis". It was not 5 mins in before this rainbow decided to become 1st fish of the day.......
[Image: IMGP5619_zpscb79d84b.jpg]

I was a bit worried the fish leaky was fighting might just take him to Davey Jone's Locker but luckily this pic proves leaky operates with a spotter.....................
[Image: IMGP5625_zpsca7f69c9.jpg]
[Image: IMGP5627_zpsd3f61bd1.jpg]

Leaky took me to "the damn dam" and I hooked into a bute. Sure enough I made leaky and sparky stand there with my pike net for 5 mins just to launch the dynamic lure past our faces. We never did see the fish. As leaky said "it makes for a better fish tale [Wink] ".

Needing redemption I found only a little bit of solace in the 19 inch browns like this............
[Image: IMGP5634_zpsf986af16.jpg]

But I was determined to get something big from the weeb so I had to settle with a 60lb weber monster which was carefully released. (Note the proper handling of such a fine specimen)
[Image: IMGP5639_zps897bf6ce.jpg]

Before Sparky changed his loyalties to me Leaky declared he was vanishing to retire for the evening.
[Image: IMGP5638_zps90a304bd.jpg]

So it was up to me to carry on solo.

Most were caught with rainbow rapalas.............
[Image: IMGP5643_zps59a57209.jpg]

Some were caught with perch rapalas......................
[Image: IMGP5649_zps12599202.jpg]

Even a few were caught with brook trout rapalas...............
[Image: IMGP5653_zps566cf605.jpg]

And it deserved a 2nd shot.........
[Image: IMGP5654_zpscf2d9119.jpg]

Then I was treated to a 20 inch thick weber cutty...............
[Image: IMGP5662_zps0047b43d.jpg]

But most surprising of all was the brutes that took the sebile magic swimmer fast sink lures that I bought for pike fishing. Many big fish swipped at them but only a few were landed, all near 20 inches each.

It was nice to run into the weber trio (rainbows, browns, and cutthroat trout) but as the sun set the magic wore off and the expericnce went the way of the pumpkins in the cinderella story.

With 47 fish landed I beat the boss at corperate golf again! As Bill Murray said in caddyshack "Cinderella story".
[Image: Bill-Murray-Caddyshack.jpg]
Very nice!! I use to work with a guy that took me to that place a few times. But that was a long time ago now all I can do is be jealous[pirate].. That is a very special stretch of the weber.
Welcome back!!!! Looks like a fantastic trip. Glad you got out with Leaky and Sparky and spanked a few fish....Nice fish at that. Gotta love it when the weber fish are in the mood to play. Good to see a post from you again.
Aaaack! I think I'm going blind. Been seeing SPOTS. I think I need some squiggly lines to balance my psyche!

I'm sorry bud - but we're gonna be ice fishing in Hades before anyone pries THAT pup from his master!

Nice trip for all three of ya. Guess maybe you've got some entries for you flinging contest?

Bob really did miss you. I could tell. [Wink]
[quote CoyoteSpinner]Aaaack! I think I'm going blind. Been seeing SPOTS. I think I need some squiggly lines to balance my psyche!

I'm sorry bud - but we're gonna be ice fishing in Hades before anyone pries THAT pup from his master!

Nice trip for all three of ya. Guess maybe you've got some entries for you flinging contest?

Bob really did miss you. I could tell. [Wink][/quote]

The property is private so it would not count towards the fly fishing contest. That and I left half my fly rod at home.[blush]
Good report and pics.

It is neat seeing what those big browns will attack and eat. I used to think a 4-5" lure was big... but those bigger browns eat bigger meals than that!
Have I missed giving you crap, yes, have I missed you personally, no[Tongue]. But good report, nice to see someone out taking advantage of some club fishing.
I never miss you because I always know what your up too most of the time ha ha ha.

Looks like the beauty queen hair is back. Your lucky it didn't rain that day so Leaky and sparky didn't have too hear your crying over your hair [laugh]. Good days.
nice fish man, cranks and raps can be fun this time of year on the weeb, sucks you forgot half your flyrod, been there done that before.
thanks for the pics it looks like it was a nice day.
[quote catmaster23]Have I missed giving you crap, yes, have I missed you personally, no[:p]. [/quote]

Awahah too funny [laugh]

Nice fish, ever since they drained echo my holes down stream have been fishing like crap. Now I know were all the fish went [Wink] Use to catch fish like that on a regular basis now I got to drive 40 minutes further. Great Job [Smile]
those are some good looking browns.
Have we missed you? Short answer yes, I have to honestly say I have. There has not been many ice fishing reports from you this year, or from you’re Evil Twin. Still wondering ? which one is truly the Evil one. I have to say I have missed the controversy that comes with some of your post, controversy is not a bad thing, it stimulates the minds and passions of all, makes one think about the issue involved, even if it gets out of control at times (that’s why we pay the moderator’s so well). There is a wide diversity In age, experience, and opinions here, all are welcome to express their views, that is why we are blessed to live in the USA. Keep the post and pictures coming, we may not always agree, but we all have a common gene (or genetic deformity) .The un-relenting challenge to catch that next Fish.
Men think about s_x every 7 seconds, they think about fishing the other six.
Still waiting to see a new doo. (Mullet? Fro? Flat top?)
Evil TDT is the evil one. That is my story and I am sticking to it! He even used to have a shirt that said "I am the evil one".

I did have some great days ice catching and bad days ice fishing but poor ETDT didn't get out till last sunday to fish since November 15th. He proudly claims he never dipped a line under the ice. Luckily he was willing to hike up with me to Lake Mary to pull me out of the thin ice.

He got more into backcountry skiing photography and it paid off. He got $100 from backpacker magizine and even went on a Uinta cat skiing operation with a friend for free ($499 each) to be a photgrapher/product tester. I was not invited but I too have been skiing about as much as I fish.

My skiing buddies call me "Fisherman Joe"!

Hopefully the time I took away from not reporting will only help hinder the controversial stuff.