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After being snapped off numerous times in the last two days I'm very frustrated. I'm curious as to what knots people use to tie a fly on their tippet. I've been using the improved clinch knot but doesn't seem to be working. I thought that it may be my leader or tippet that was bad but it doesn't seem to matter if I change my tippet to a higher pound test or not. I'm sorry if there has already been threads on this topic.
Always a good question!

There is nothing wrong with the improved clinch. I use the standard clinch with no issues. The key with any knot you choose is to moisten (spit) the knot and pull it slowly together to prevent damage to the tippet. I also use a "no-slip" loop knot that seems to do well for me. You can google it to find it.
I use the Duncan loop....also looks similar if not same as the uni-knot.

[url ""][/url]

I use four loops and have not had failure. I stuck to learning it until I memorized is a very versatile knot and is now very simple for me to tie. On the tippet I use, the loop closes. If I am using it with indicator setup, I open the loop again after landing a fish. for streamers I snug the knot against the hook. It slides pretty easy.

clinch knot has been unreliable for me so I use the Duncan loop 95 percent of the time. with mono tippet, the clinch knot is more reliable but I don't use it on fluorocarbon or small diameter tippet.

As has already been stated. Getting your knot wet before you sinch it down is critical. You will burn big test line if you don't moisten it. For big flies there is nothing wrong with improved clinch. With small flies I use the Rapala knot so it has more action on bigger line.

Personally I like the uni knot. I've never had a problem and it is very versatile. BUT like everyone before me you must moisten the knot and pull it tight slowly.
I like the palomar or uni. I wouldn't trust any form of the clinch knot. After seeing knot wars on the net it's one of the worst for strength and or cutting itself.

Check out for great step by step animated tutorials.
Interesting views and all solid is apparent knots are very near and dear to individual preference.

I have always use the improved clinch knot (for 30 years) when tying fly's to tippet, or when tying my treble hooks to salmon leaders. Keeping the line wet when pulling them tight is key.

When attaching tippet to leader I prefer the blood knot. And when tying braid to a swivel chain I prefer to use the Palomar. The website Don reccomended is awesome.
For tying fly on tippet, always use a Double Surgeon's Loop. By using a loop I can use larger Tippet and still have fly movement. Something to think about. I use 6X on a #32 fly.
I used the improved clinch since I was a kid, but found it wouldn't work with braid. A box of braid had a knot pictured that I use now and don't see on Don's link.

Run the line thru the hook, reverse and run thru again. Tie an overhand knot with the doubled line and put the hook thru the loop made. Then tighten. It is fast and strong and I don't know the name.
[quote mudsucker]I used the improved clinch since I was a kid, but found it wouldn't work with braid. A box of braid had a knot pictured that I use now and don't see on Don's link.

Run the line thru the hook, reverse and run thru again. Tie an overhand knot with the doubled line and put the hook thru the loop made. Then tighten. It is fast and strong and I don't know the name.[/quote]

That is the palomar. It's my go to knot!
[quote flygoddess]For tying fly on tippet, always use a Double Surgeon's Loop. By using a loop I can use larger Tippet and still have fly movement. Something to think about. I use 6X on a #32 fly.[/quote]

My favorite loop knot. I use if for Rapala type lures as well!
I suppose it works with mono alright, doesn't it?
[quote mudsucker]I suppose it works with mono alright, doesn't it?[/quote]

It works great on mono. I've used it for for years on pretied leaders that require a loop to go onto a snap swivel for changing out set ups while steel head fishing for leader to hook and leader to pencil lead weights as well. I carry all pretied rigs so I don't spend my time retying.

The hook is secured by the palomar and the leader end loop is the double surgeon's loop all on mono.

I should note we only use 8 lb. test for Steelies so the knot strength has to be great!

Improve clinch is what i have always used but if your not wetting the knot/line when tightening it it will burnish and weaken the knot. My guess is that if snapping off that easy with the improved Clinch then your not wetting the line. It also helps to leave the loop open some to increase the flies action and serve is a bit of a shock absorber... that will also help in reducing snap off's at the knot.
I use this same knot for everything unless its heavy mono.
Improved Trilene knot [url ""][/url]
Interesting!-------------- For myself, more often as not, it has not been a knot problem. if lubricated with spit, etc.. and properly tied. Can't over emphasis the friction heat to damage a knot when cinching!!!! Also I have found is just Old line!!
Just my 2 cents.[Smile] Haven't posted this before on knot problems but -----maybe if I'm right I'll do it more often.