Fishing Forum

Full Version: takenoprisoners, HBSP/Chick?, Crappie/Catfish/Sunfish, 4-13-13, C-Dogg
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Was on the water by 8:30 or so this morning, and it was gorgeous. I thought it was going to be cold for a bit, but it felt perfect until I headed home around noon. And if you weren't at the boat ramp at Wolftever, you must not have fished today because I'm pretty sure everyone and their mama was there.<br /><br />Anyway, tinkered around for a few minutes, tossing the line out and not doing anything. Being new to boat fishing, I am getting my feet under me.<br /><br />Then I realized I kept seeing the same boats pass over and over. So I convinced C that we needed to do the same.<br /><br />It was both of our introductions to trolling and it was a blast. Checked my phone and we were right at 1 mph and were running our lines...10? 14? 18? feet deep? Not sure. I'm a newbie. Sorry... <br /><br />Only a minute or so after we started, I pulled in my smallest of the day, but the catch was over 10 inches, so I kept it in the live well (a.k.a. fishing cooler). C got a good one immediately after, and as I was telling him to use the net so the hook didn't rip out of the fish's mouth, he lifted the fish up to bring it into the boat and...yup, got off the hook. <br /><br />He was bummed and so was I, as his 13-year-old face was brimming with excitement before the big one that got away. <br /><br />But he was also thrilled to know this trolling stuff worked.<br /><br />Anyway, kept fishing, I got two more keepers, three or four little sunfish (which I tossed back), and a catfish. I didn't want the catfish, but C convinced me to bring it home, so I did and then made him take it. I look forward to his report on the cleaning process.<br /><br />Codey got another hard bite or two but lost them on the way up also. Sad... That said, he's already ready to get out there again and redeem himself.<br /><br />And I have a picture, but it's of the fish frozen, sitting in my sink. So not that exciting. <br /><br />Also - a question...I'm guessing this is a dumb one, but when I let in at Wolftever and get out in Harrison Bay, I should call that the Chick...correct?<br /><br />Ignorance is no longer bliss.<br /><br />Thanks to all who provided tips on trolling - whether you gave it to me or others. You made the day a smashing success!