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Full Version: I need some carp
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I need some carp. I drew a bear tag this year and need to add something nasty to my bait (for the smell). Any of you guys fishing the lake or bow fishing I'm looking for about a dozen. I'm located in orem so if you think you could help out that would be awesome.
Call Bill Loy, he can get you all you need, he's the man on the Utah Lake Carp project !! Should be in the phone book !!
When do you need them?
The UL project would be your best bet, especially if you're down that way already.

Be glad to contribute. Know a few spots where it'd be easy to catch, snag, bow- a few. Had a few "released" last Sat. Got a fair collection of minnows frozen, if you want some of those. But I'm up north. You know - where the BIG Catfish are!!!!

I have heard about carp nailed to a tree for "bear bait". That's about like the "cooking" technique for them too, right? There's a whole crew of bow-fishers out there. They run a Carpalooza fest later in the year. Don't know what it is, but bet they have a web-presence out there.
Congrats on the tag.... Very cool.

Can I pass on some advice I heard from a guy I know who has shot several bears with his bow? Clean your carp, and smoke the heck out of them, just like you want to eat them yourself. Bears can smell good food smells for miles, and smoking them well will make tour time in the tree stand more tolerable, since you have to be down wind. And the bear won't have any trouble finding the bait if it smells like delicious smoked fish rather than reeking rotten fish.

They last longer, too. He just gutted and, split them, and hung them from sticks over a smoky hardwood fire.
"When do you need them?"

Need them as soon as I can get them.
I like the smoking Idea but I don't plan on putting carp in my smoker.
I use to bait bears in wyoming and would use carp. I used "smoke" but never stuck them in my smoker either. I would cut the carp in big chunks (6" or bigger). Some i would freeze and keep natural. The others i would put in warm water over night with some liquid smoke. The liquid smoke technique keeps the fish in tact, you save you smoker from those trashy buggers, and you save time. I will do whole carp the same way in a very small amount of liquid smoke and it works great on cats that are stingy with the nibbles. Good luck and post pics.
You free Friday?
Do you brine and spice them up?
"You free Friday?"

I wish, I have to work until 4:00
PM sent
I know a guy that waits till the carp are rancid and full of maggots before he bothers to take them to the bait station. Don't know why you'd wanna smoke 'em.