04-16-2013, 09:00 AM
I sure haven&#39;t done well picking the days to fish lately. This time it was tax day and most of the fish were busy filling out their 1040&#39;s (how many shad did you catch and lures did you steal? - send in 25% of them). <br /><br />It seems SOMEBODY was sore-mouthing my fish Saturday and they hadn&#39;t gotten over it yet. I did manage some nice fish on my 6 lb. line again, including a 32 and a 20 pound blue cat, but it was much slower than I expected. I also picked up my first channel cat of the year. Yellow tree pollen is all over the river now, so the sinuses are taking a beating now that spring has arrived! Oh, and I ran into a school of shad so thick that my depth finder thought the bottom was at 6&#39; instead of 50! To my knowledge there was no shad kill this year, so I expect to see lots of big shad schools in the river.<br /><br />Here&#39;s another pic:<br /><br />