Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, April 16, 2013, Brother-in-law, Leon Swafford
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My brother-in-law from Cumberland County came down today for his annual crappie fishing trip with me. We did good. We landed 57 crappie and had a double limit for him to take home and put in the freezer. <br /><br />We hit several areas and caught fish on docks, and spawning banks. Many of the fish were just off the banks in very shallow water. I had a big fish break me off when it ran under my boat and I couldn't give it enough line quickly enough. It was either a catfish or a drum, I don't know which.<br /><br />We fished with Bobby Garland scent wigglers, baby shads on 1/32 oz jig heads. I also used a Strike King crappie thunder and had good luck with that lure. We changed colors from time to time and it didn't seem to matter much what color to throw. The fish were pretty aggressive. We caught fish every place that we stopped except one place. Rocky Point club slough did not yield a crappie. <br /><br />We met Cuonthelake out there and she was catching fish just like her emoTeacher . She gave us some fish for Leon and Joan to take home. Thank you Candi. It was great seeing you out on the lake. <br /><br />I'm tired. Fished too much last week with 2 tournaments over the weekend. Time to relax for a couple of days. emoBigSmile emoGeezer