04-18-2013, 09:00 AM
Amateur had posted that he wanted to learn how to fish for crappie and I could remember when I was in the same way, wanting to learn how to do better on our lake when drumking was nice enough to share his knowledge with me, and so we set up a morning trip to see if we could find some. Luckily, ditchdoc and I had found some fish the day before and the fish were still there in huge numbers. We sat at a dock while I coached the shooting technique to Dillon and he picked up on it right away. We stayed there catching fish after fish for quite a while. We fished 1/32 oz jigs in my favorite color the whole morning. Most fish were at about an 8 count and were fairly agressive. We fished main lake docks for the most part with less success in the Harrison bay area. Most were right at 9 to 10 inches but just perfect for learning how to shoot docks and get some confidence in the technique. Dillon just got better and better at it and when the fish slowed down we moved to another area. We didn't have as much success at the new area but still had a great time. We were off the water by noon and had some great fellowship. It was fun to spend time fishing with a new friend but it was even better to meet another brother in Christ! God has blessed us so much with the fishery that we have and it's great to share it with so many great friends. We also saw Gator and a buddy out there and as always it was good to see you our there Ernie. Thanks again for the fun time out there Dillon. I hope that your kids can pick the shooting up and you all can enjoy being out there in the near future! Sorry, no pics.