Fishing Forum

Full Version: Santa Ana River Fishing for Trout with Video Report
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I noticed that the California Fish and Wildlife started to stock the Santa Ana River again for the season so I decided to check it out and see if there were any rainbows swimming around. I haven't fished the river for a couple of years and it is amazing how much it changes over time. Previous hot spots are now a bust and other premium spots have formed as the river evolves with time. There weren't that many fish in the river from the recent stocking. So either they have been caught which is possible since I saw a lot of people out, or they are not stocking it like previously. I caught 5 rainbows and a brown trout in an hour of fishing so not too bad. All catch and release so they are still there if you want to go give it a try. I was just using a Berkly Power Nymph on a 1/16th ounce jig head. Check out my video for more tips on fishing this stream. I hope you enjoy the video and please subscribe to my channel if you'd like. I'm trying to make easy video more of an episode with helpful tips for fishing.
