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[font "Calibri"][size 3]HOW TO TEACH 400 KIDS TO CAST IN A DAY[/size][/font]
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[font "Calibri"][size 3]Teaching anyone to cast generally requires at least a halfhour. Today we were put to the task of teaching 400 fourth grader the basics ofcasting a fishing rod and reel during a day. The Utah Lake Commission hosted afield trip for fourth graders from throughout the county at the Provo BoatHarbor . Classes were taught in Utah Lake History, invasive aquatic vegetation,Native June Suckers, Indian Cultures around the lake and Casting a fishing rod,which where I came in. The primary casting sponsor was the Utah Dept ofWildlife Resources. Tonya Kieffer, Fisheries Biologist and Lovely co-host ofKSL Televisions' Utah Outdoors, invited me to help.[/size][/font]
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[font "Calibri"][size 3]The children arrived at our location in groups of 40. Tacklewas provided by the DWR. Ten stations were set up and the children were dividedinto the same number. The class was given instructions regarding the differentparts of the rod and reel and the mechanics of casting. From then on they tookthat lesson and began practicing and developing the skills necessary to cast. Iwas taken back by the numbers of them that had never had a rod and reel intheir hands, let alone ever fished. Equally incredible to me is how fast theymastered casting. Most took to it like a duck to a June bug and beamed at theirsuccess is sight of their peers who encouraged them on.[/size][/font]
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[font "Calibri"][size 3]With all those children there, it was impossible to teachthem any more than the elementary steps, but judging from their excitement therewill be a lot of requests for a new rodand reel and someone in their families to take them fishing, and that was whatit was all about; teaching our youth part of the satisfaction of being outdoorsand put them on a path to a lifetime of enjoyment of all that it entails. I wasdelighted to be there to help.[/size][/font]
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[font "Calibri"][size 3]Similar classes will be held one day a week for the next twoweeks. Hand in Hand Outdoors is proud to be involved. I'm sure that Tonya and the DWR would be delighted if anyone out there would like to provide assistance.[/size][/font]
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ah the joy of teaching someone new how to fish. I used to do this with 11 year old boy scouts. With them learning this young they will start to enjoy the outdoors early. [cool] Way to go!!!
Good on ya! Wish I could come help but I've got a funeral and family business that's gonna eat me up for the next couple weeks.