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I left a tackle box and a bag of soft plastics on the bank of the cub river near Richmond late Wednesday night. There were a couple BFT stickers in the tackle box, so hopefully whoever picked it up gets on the site. Large reward if returned.

Pm or reply if you hear anything.
By any chance did you drive through sardine canyon? I went to a wedding in Mendon Thursday and saw a squished blue tackle box on the the side of the road near Sherwood hills. If it was yours, I'm sorry but I don't think there would be much left.
Nope. I for sure left it sitting right on the bank of the Cub River in Richmond Utah, at dark Wednesday night. I have reports that it was seen there waiting for me on Thursday, but unfortunately I didn't make it back there til Saturday morning. I could still see the imprint it left it the grass.

Thanks for the tip though!
Hope you get it back man, some people are a joke. Last year I left my tackle box at Sandy Pond and realizd it while driving so I was literally back within 20 minutes and some1 had stolen it bythen.....
Thanks FL. That's a crappy story, I don't know what would be worse.
another bump
I am an honest guy an I woulda stolen it too. If it had a phone number I would of called you, but if I figured it was mine or next the guy that walked by... well you know the pirates code.

Note to self, write my contact information in my tacklebox before the next trip.
You are right to write contact info which I didn't but it's still messed up. Could have put it to the side or something not right in the middle of a path. Plus when I came back I asked every1 if there if they saw it. So some1 there was lying and had it or the person already left and like I said, I was back within 20 mins so whoever did it was jumping the gun.
I had my entire tackle bag stolen outta my jeep. Probly over 1k worth of tackle.They tried taking my piles too but buried all the hooks in my seat. That was at newton. A friend had his foot petal and all his cranks and plastics stolen right outta his boat at newton. Pirates code or not if it isn't yours leave it alone!
Yea, I would had taken it and kept fishing. You would had come back and I'd be all "Here, i was protecting it for you" =) Actually, I usually fish Hyrum where there is a ranger station at the gate. I would of dropped it off there to be claimed.

I would NEVER take anything out of someones car or boat. That is stealing, not finding. What kind of low-life idiot would? One, they are fellow sportsman you're likely to encounter again. Two, many fisherman are also hunters. Chances are, they're packing heat.

I really hope it turns up. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
I tried holding my breath, but I almost died. I might anyway. That tackle box was the culmination of everything I have learned about fishing, and almost every place I have fished over the last 20 years. I can't imagine ever finding something like that. I know I couldn't live with myself if I didn't make an honest effort to try and return it to it's owner though.

Hope is running a bit thin now we are getting to the 1 week anniversary however.

But you remember what Billy Madison said about "The Puppy Who Lost His Way" though, right?
Might be worth keeping an eye on KSL and Craigslist. Just a thought.
Checked out KSL. Not sure if I did the right thing at Craigslist. Weird site kinda.
Yea, in the rest of the world they don't have KSL so craigslist is more popular. I hate that you have to search a specific city. I was suggesting you make sure no one is reselling it but on craigslist you could put up a lost, notice. If a fisher stole it, he is probably using it.
Sorry for ya man. I feel your pain, in more ways than I'll express. stop holding our breath - breath deep the gathering gloom - do you have home, or renters insurance that might help?
reminds me I need to document better. I've hauled way too much around in my rig, and now in storage. Need a proper at testament to how much Cabelas owns of my "stock".

I've lost/left the occasional rod, setup. But if I lost my full collected tackle box, I'd be well, pretty lost. I've LOVE to know a detailing of what was in YOUR box mate! But it'd probably cost ME dearly! Double super secret stuff! Curly tail grubs, I know.

If you have descriptions of the tackle box, or pix, I'll keep my eyes open. Think we may hit some of the same spots, and I don't mind confronting, um - sharing - with a fellow angler and asking what they are using, and WHERE they got it from!

If you need a CoyoteCapSpinner - you got one gratis.