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Full Version: Them Gizzards
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Hit the water yesterday with the cast nets iamthesmf hooked us up with. Here was the result~

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Thanks Toby!
cut bait for days!!!! nice![fishon]
Do you filet the sides off those big ones for bait, or chop 'em up some other way? They've always struck me as too big to cut up into three or four whole pieces like you would with store bought anchovies.
Way to go man!
Whizzle said they were pretty difficult to fillet with a regular fillet knife. Maybe an electric would do better?
Holy cow! I didn't realize the gizzard shad were getting that big out there. I have caught stripers smaller than those fish. Is there a person or place selling gizzard shad anywhere around town?

[inline Gizzards.jpg]

The Whizzle was just getting the medium Gizzards. These are large ones and they get even bigger up to four pounds (so far)
Holy Carp - I had no idea they get that big. I ran into a "few" where they're not supposed to be, but they were palm sized at most. But these guys were tread-thin.

Don't know about hose toads, but expect you'd have to slice 'em and dice 'em. At least you CAN use 'em. Our Wiper pond has a tight restriction (in part to KEEP them from getting into places, like where I found 'em up river).

Can you smoke em?
Have the restrictions on the legal size cast net changed at all? Last i had checked, I think it was a 3' radius max?
do you just sight fish for the shad and throw the net? or mark them on the finder?
What are these things eating to get so big?
The radius is 4 feet, they changed it a few years ago.