Fishing Forum

Full Version: Hello, first post
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Hello all,
This is my first post on BFT. I'm fairly new fly fishing, well actually I have fly fished for probably 20 years. For the first 19 years, I would go out once a year, get really frustrated and then bag it for another year. Last year a buddy took me out for a few days and taught me a few things about nymphing and now I love it.

I went up on the Weber today, a little ways above Tagart. I was only there for a few hours but I did not catch anything. The water was around 100CFS which is much better and it has been for a while but it was very, very muddy. I stopped by another spot on the Weber on my way home next to the toll bridge in Riverdale/Uinta and the water looked better, much clearer.

Has anybody fished that area, there in Uinta, is it any good?
Welcome. I fished this area a couple times last summer. I caught a few smaller fish. But that was it. Both times I fished it, it was mid day during the hottest time of the year so it wasn't the ideal time to be fishing. Lots of great looking water, but I also saw a lot of carp in the river. I wonder if the carp are a sign of bad water quality, butt I am not sure. I would like to explore this area some more, but it is hard to pull myself away from places were I know for sure that I will catch some fish.
Welcome to BFT , I fish that section pretty frequently this year the water levels are pretty low you got find those deep pools.

I was up there about week ago, water was low but nice and clear. If its muddied up now Im thinking the run off has started. Pretty hard to fish those waters when there chocolate milk colored.

Once the run off clears
Search these forums for Bottom bouncing and bounce a 16-20 hares ear, prince nymph, pheasant tail, red copper john or a scud down the into those pools. I find the trick to the Weber is you got get your flies down.

Have fun those waters can produce some nice fish.