ID sure like to know! I spent some time meeting with a tackle manfacture today and he tells me that the phone is ringing regarding two and four hook ganions due to a jan 1 opening of 250 ft or less. He says its true as of two days ago!
Sure would help us wintertime fisherman!
Hey there bobbybigfish,
That could very well be true. The DFG website doesn't always provide info in a nutshell and you've gotta dig. DFG regs I saw were talking of regs till Dec/31/03. The common depth cut-offs I've seen are 120 feet and 180 feet on the rockfish, bottom fish, ground fish, etc.
This year the regs stated 2 hook ganions. Next year may be different, I sure don't know.
Our esteemed fishing writer, George Van Zant, mentioned a closure on Sculpin till next June. I assume sculpin are considered rockfish or at least bottom or ground fish!
I've heard, the DFG and associated agencies will make detailed closure announcements on the 21st. We'll know more then I trust.
i don't care what your DFG says a sculpin is not a rock fish
can you no longer fish for deep water rockfish in CA. ? we used to fish 600 feet of water with 5 or 10 hooks is this no longer allowed ?
Hey there aquaman,
'Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd neeeeeever end'. Sound vaugely familiar? ha ha ha
The two hook regs been around for a year. 600-700 foot depth rockfish and rockcod fishing is a thing of the past. Don't expect a rush from eager anglers for those old rockcod fishing outfits (unless there to be used for something else) and terminal tackle.
Long gone..... and for ever in my opinion!
so the rockfish arent closing the 21st???
well that bites how things can change after 20 years