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Full Version: Out board mechanic in pocatello?
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I have a 9.8 hp mercury out board. Either the pee whole is plugged or it needs a new water pump. I know nothing about these motors is thr a shop around i can take it to? Thx.
Take it to Scott at Snow & Dirt on Poleline, his number is 237-1560. Great mechanic and very reasonably priced, I take all my small engines to him.
You might do some research its an easy job to do. Its always nice to learn something new. Try YouTube (outboard water pump replacement) most are the same general design.
This way you can buy an extra impeller and when it fails down stream of the ramp you won't be down a creek without a paddle..
Good idea. I need to know more about boating anyway. I love em but know nothing lol.