Ivan and I hit the berry this evening (3-6pm) to see if the fish wanted to play.....they did. A great few hours of fishing and catching. The res still has a ton of ice, but with wind and heat it is fading fast. Most areas of shorline on the mud creek-haws side had at least a little of ice free areas to fish. The other side looked pretty icy still and the wind blew ice that way as well. We used the standard jigs tipped with chub meat and it was almost every other cast, then a 15 minute break and then they would start back again. A good mix of cuts in the slot and bows, all released. Great fun!
Thanks for posting man. I'm going to head back up again tomorrow. I just can't get enough of those big berry cuts. Great fish you guys caught today. Looks like a lot of fun.
It seems to depend on the day, and also the time of day. Try both and see what they want best. I have caught them trolling slow with no jig movement and caught a ton, other days they required a ton of finesse. Yesterday they were following it in a ton, so we slowed down the reel speed and did a lot of small jigs before reaching shore to get them to commit. Also important is how long to let it sink. If they are hitting the surface a lot, then reeling right after casting is usually best, if not then waiting and getting closer to the bottom can be best, sometimes in between. There is not really 1 way to fish it every time and sometimes it takes a bit to figure out how they want it.
Nice Pics Thanks
Awesome! Nice job. I hope it will be a good year there. [

Great pictures, looks like you guys had a grundle of fun. I guess I should fish it more, but I usually only fish it during the DAV event in Aug. when I volunteer my time and boat to take one of the Vets out. Thanks for posting the pics.
Good to see you and Ivan are still out catching fish. Been awhile since I saw a pic. He is growing up fast..... Thanks for the report and pics.
My brother and I went Monday night, and my brother went back on his own last night. He said with the wind, that it is blowing clear very fast. We were at Renegade on Monday, and it was mostly ice capped, out about 30 yards. He said last night by the time he went home last night it was mostly clear.
I hate it when it goes that fast, but oh well. I'm ready for it to be warm.
[cool][#0000FF]Way to go guys. Keep the trips and reports coming.
Thanks for the report!
Did any other colors worked besides the white jigs?
Did you by any chance see any crawdads?
only tried pearl, didnt have a reason to change up this time. many dads seen shallow