Any reports from pineview? I am planning a trip up there tomorrow in the boat, I have never been up there. Will be taking the kids hoping to get my first muskie on the fly.
I don't have a report for you but I might be going there tomorrow to. Not sure where im launching my toon but if you see me stop by and say hello. I have a feeling fishing will be slow but im going to give it a shot...
I won't be heading up till around 10 or 11 mostly gonna cruise around and scout out spots for later will do a little fishing depending on the kids let me know where you are and how the fishing is although I will probaly have no idea where your talking about since I've never been there. We will have to go out again soon I owe you and your girl a trip still!
The first reply was a test...ha I've driven by Pineview each morning and evening this week from trappers loop to Eden. Each day the lake has risen, spring creek is getting full, middle fork has a ways to go. I observed at the most, a dozen fishermen. I did see some wind surfers at swim beach one day, it looked like fun, too bad I'm not 20-30 years old, I'd try it. When the weather was warmer I used to make April 15 my target for crappie, however, with our cooler weather I can't set a target date. I guess when the mushrooms come up I'll go try. Nothing better than a mess of crappies with a bunch of morels. Yummm
I am hoping to be out there tomorrow as well. We went last weekend and saw quite a few musky but didn't hook any. I think the ones they planted a few years ago are finally growing to a decent size because we saw a bunch of them that looked to be about 30-35 inches. I'll be in a white smokercraft alaskan with BFT stickers on the front, feel free to come say hi if you see us!
Ill be on a Orange and gray pontoon.. Ill hoping to find some smallmouth (fingers crossed). A musky would be nice but I learned my lesson last year.. I unexpectedly hookup with one last year that was 30+ I was in my toon armed with a 5wt fly rod and a trout net. It was exciting and frightening at the same time. Toothy monsters and inflatable fishing vessels don't!
I was up there last Friday and today (5-3) and it blew..... figuratively and literally! Both days it was nice when we launched around noon, and by 2 pm it was blowing 20 mph or better. Today the water temps went from 60 degrees with no wind to 51 degrees and blowing 20 MPH in an hour. Today we left after three hours of not seeing a fish. The good news is that you have to pay to launch already, so at least it cost me $12 to get blown off of the water [frown] I swear they keep charging earlier and earlier every year. Pretty soon it will be year round! I'll be fishing next Friday, but it won't be at Pineview! Fred K.
We got a few last Friday, here is the biggest at 4.1 lbs
It looks like I wont be going son has a soccer game tomorrow. But I plan to go soon, good luck tomorrow!
I thought it was still frozen!!! ?? [cool][cool][

] haha its been windy and cold
That's a beauty! Jerkbait?