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So I was at the local bass pond tonight. It was really slow, I pulled in 2 in about 2 hours. One took a big black plastic worm, the other a brown crappie jig I had rigged on a treble hook.

Anyway, while I was there, I saw a baby duck swimming around, lost from it's family. After about 15 minutes of circling the middle of the pond, it started working up along the bank. About ten feet to my left I see a big splash, and no more baby duck.
I've heard the stories, and even seen a youtube of a bass grabbing baby ducks.

Is there a "baby duck" lure? Seems like that would be a great way to target the big boys, and leave the juvies alone.
That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanx!
$16 bucks tho... maybe I'll hit up the toy store and see what I can make first LoL
I have found the the Hula Poppers work well in that situation. Not exactly a duck lure but more like a mouse but works well all the same.
When I was a kid my dad and I were dove hunting around a farm pond one evening. Swallows were flying all around and we both saw about 18" of bass slide out and grab a swallow. We returned with rods and never did catch a big one.
Toy Duck Bath lure here Smile

[url ""] [Image: mqdefault.jpg?v=51725d6f] 2:44[/url]
[url ""]Homemade Toy Duck Bass Lure![/url]
April 20, 2013 4:54 AM

This lure now has shorter legs,with same feet and another hook near the Tail...Soon I'll catch a Bass with it..
I Think I can,I think I can...Rubber Ducky your the one!
Its got a trebble near the tail but just one of the hooks is sticking up...Stay tunned for more pictures and hopefully a catch.. There's a hole on the head I made so to drop in a ball bearing or bb's so it'll rattle.
This post needs a STICKY!

It wuz tank tested and mine actually floated on its side but just added weight to the bottom,and floats great!
never seen it myself but heard it happen here at the lake.
One time I noticed a mother Muskovy duck in distress with her babies swimming across the lake,when I caught up noticed a huge Pacu just under them..[shocked]
The baby duck lure is something I've always had in mind for many years and now my dream may eventually come true..maybe tommorow on my everglades trip!

Here's the original post of mine check it out,its under freshwater lures and the fish they catch
When I was younger we used baby birds we'd catch in the dairy barn and fish them under trees at marrow res. Now I just use a jitterbug.
It's not so much a duck imitation, but more of a song bird, but there's this:

Fishing around the flooded brush and cattails at Condie every spring, I would here some pretty loud splooshing sounds beneath the red wing blackbird nests. I bet this would do the trick in similar situations.

I haven't seen bass eat ducks personally, but my friends showed me some photos of a 6lb bass they caught that vomited up a whole family of ducklings in the bottom of their boat.
PaulPro: That looks pretty good!
I'd love to hear how this works for you!

[quote gstott]It's not so much a duck imitation, but more of a song bird, but there's this:

[url ""][/url]

Fishing around the flooded brush and cattails at Condie every spring, I would here some pretty loud splooshing sounds beneath the red wing blackbird nests. I bet this would do the trick in similar situations.

I haven't seen bass eat ducks personally, but my friends showed me some photos of a 6lb bass they caught that vomited up a whole family of ducklings in the bottom of their boat.[/quote]

I ordered some similar to that on amazon just last week.
Unfortunately, they're coming in on the slow boat from China. Sad eta: June 14....

But what I had in mind, was something like the one Paulpro made, but totally weedless - hooks up high, weights on the base.
That big lunker that grabbed the duckling the other day was RIGHT against the shoreline, that duckling was only about 3 inches from the bank, water couldn't have been more than 6 inches deep right there. The bank was kind of cut away, and was a pretty much solid mass of moss and bits of cattails that had blown up to shore. I'll get a snapshot of the location today, I'm betting he was there for the shade.
But to fish something like that, it's gonna have to be weedless.

[url ""]This is one of the ones I ordered[/url].
Maybe I'll whack off the tail, and try to rig something on the bottom to simulate the paddling of tiny little feet.

Anyone know how to make it do that shrill little chirp sound?

The bass was right about where the red bobber is, top 1/3 of the pic.
ducky lure Tank Test trailer hook pics[Wink]
added a treble hook near the tail!
Took it out fishing wednesday,got some bites and just after swithing baits hooked into a 4lb bass,sure if I stuck to the ducky,woulda got he!

Now if I can just make it chirp!!
Check out a Heddon Crazy Crawler.