05-13-2013, 09:00 AM
Went out twice yesterday. 8am water temp 61-63. Started for bass throwing plastics, kinda slow for me. Switched to jigging for crappies. 1/8 jig topped with Bobby Garland crappie baits(bluegrass, screamer, watermelon wine, seemed anything with a little green it it) Couple spots off main channel near shore, brush and logs in 12-15&#39; of water adjacent to deep(30-40) feet. Letting bait free fall to bottom, lift and repeat. Started slow, few fish, then around 11 really turned on.. Water there was 59, caught 20&#43; in 10-15 minutes. Almost all keepers, kept 5 really nice slabs 12&quot;&#43;<br /><br />Went back out from 4-7, same spot. Caught another 20&#43; fish. seemed to be a bit deeper, 15&#43; feet. Almost all were over 10&quot;, kept 5 more<br /><br />Also a couple of bonus bass, small 1-2 lbs and 1 white bass about 12&quot;, over 50 crappies for the day. All released except for the 10 crappies which will be a great fish fry!<br /><br />Jim