WOW what a half of a day...I got to the lake at 7:30 and was on the water..
I tried a few spots with one bass here and one there, then I hit on the bait and color the bass wanted most was from 11" to 15" but I did get two that was over 4lb one was 4lb 10oz and the other was 4lb2oz .. When I got on the right point I got 14 bass in 14 casts but the best spot kicked out over 22 bass without moving the boat..
The best lure was a twin tail in watermelon with red flake..
The lake was ????
Wait ??I forgot you know how old people get, let me ask my dog??
My dog says she wants a bribe or she won't say..Anyone got a bribe??She wants some beans with bacon or she won't talk..
You think your dog would settle for some SMB fish tacos[shocked]. My dogs love them.
No my dog does not like fish to eat..
really? My dog loves fish...specially shrimp[

I think shrimp are a crustacean...
Just kidding, meaning the fishy smell. Maybe I ought to change that to Anchovies[

He does like trout though. Fish is good for dogs isn't it? Omegas
No fish tacos? What a shame!
[inline 3373293842_e7da1a3f9f.jpg]
"Roll that beautiful bean footage...!" Couldn't have been lake X...???
haha Cliff I know where you were and your dog does too like fish!
[quote bassrods]WOW what a half of a day...I got to the lake at 7:30 and was on the water..
I tried a few spots with one bass here and one there, then I hit on the bait and color the bass wanted most was from 11" to 15" but I did get two that was over 4lb one was 4lb 10oz and the other was 4lb2oz .. When I got on the right point I got 14 bass in 14 casts but the best spot kicked out over 22 bass without moving the boat..
The best lure was a twin tail in watermelon with red flake..
The lake was ????
Wait ??I forgot you know how old people get, let me ask my dog??
My dog says she wants a bribe or she won't say..Anyone got a bribe??She wants some beans with bacon or she won't talk..[/quote]
Fished there last night, in my dreams.

She likes to chase fish, and watch them swim away..
But not eat them unless cooked..[

But Shrimp yes she loves them and so do I..
Lake X??
Some people think lake X is Jordanelle others think it is Starvation, and others think other lakes..But CBR and I was the first ones to post about lake X and witch lake it is..[crazy]
Yes but only eats cooked ones..[

We will be fishing it tomorrow ..Then you don't have to just dream..[

] But we have fished it for years..
What's the water level like?
I know what lake that is! hahahaha. I'm too busy with my over 21 inch 6lbers though. Your lake is next! I think cbr used to have a nickname for it too lake ....x . I won't fill in the first letter, it's a dead giveaway lol. Here's some porn, this bitch was 21 and 1/4 6 lb 2oz on the digital. Actually it was a bastard, I should say. It was a male for sure.
Bassrods, have you ever seen Jordanelle this low?
The water is low very low...And going down..
yikes, feeding beans to a dog sounds like it will only lead money spent on air fresheners.....