Fishing Forum

Full Version: Smalliefan2, Chick, Bass, 5/11/12, alone
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Worked till early Saturday AM, so it was nearly the crack of noon before I hit the water.<br />Fished Soddy Creek, started behind Pine Harbor marina, both shallow and around the docks. Ran a 1/4 oz. white blade, couple of square bills in 0-5' ft. water, and a shaky head at the docks. Couple of quick taps, similar to bluegill, was all I felt. Fished the shore line, in deeper water with no success.<br />Ran down to the backwater by Armstrong Ferry bridge, went through the viaduct. Used the same baits again, and a Baby Brush Hog in the laydowns. Nothing.<br />Ran back toward the launch, and fished the creek . Caught several fish in less than two hours, biggest bass was 3 1/2#, several smaller bass, and a couple of eating size Perch. The big bass hadn't spawned yet, she was fat, short, just over 17". All were caught in 3-5', with deeper water less than a boat length away. Took a while to figure out where they were, but ended with a tug on the line.