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Well I haven't made a report in a while thought I'd share what I've been up to the last few weeks. First I tried looking for bass but found it too cold and only caught a couple dinkers. But I made a friend of a mink

Then a few weeks ago I went searching for some ice off action. The intended target was a letdown with very little open water so me and my friend elected to move on while my stubborn friend stayed. Glad we left we found a mostly ice free reservoir and loads of willing big tigers. Even some doubles. And ended with a pig tiger bout 23 inches. [Image: 99A4D0BF-2DB4-4D1E-98BE-EF89BF92A283-112...11C1AF.jpg]
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Most of my free time after that had been spent fixing up my 60s starcraft seafarer fishing boat. The transom was old and had large holes there was a slow leak I've been dealing with the motor needed some new wires a gear handle. The benches and seat mounts needed replace but most of all she needed paint bad!!! I haven't finished but the motor wiring was replaced and gear handle installed. I cut new benches and built a new transom all have been stained but need sealed with polyeurothene. I had to strip all the old paint with a drill and a paint stripper wheel. I then applied gluvit a marine based epoxy sealant paint. I primed the boat with spray can rust oleum self etching primer. I then rolled on paint. I hated the Inside color dono stopped in the middle of the job and still need to paint the inside I went with tan this time for the inside. But the outside is two tone grey bottom and blue sides. I hope to finish this weekend and Ill put up pics of the finished project.
[Image: 5117FF81-BBE9-4DCB-AEB4-EE4FC1370DB0-112...1240C9.jpg]

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Hated this aluminum inside color...
[Image: BCBD0AF9-0484-4680-B1DD-3629F2F2960E-112...71E0D8.jpg]
Looking better gettig closer to satisfied! Big improvement so far...
[Image: D79DBAE8-0CBE-48BA-ACF7-60EE30A63C65-112...DCF571.jpg]
I found time inbetween my painting to fish Utah lake from the harbor with jwalker. He spoke to the channels in the 2 hours we were there and landed 2 respectable kitty's one at 23 and one at 24 inches. And one decent sized white bass Not bad for the middle of the day for 2 hrs. I caught all mudcats 3 or 4. I missed a big bite on a larger white bass minnow needless to say I lost my opportunity. That had to be a bigger fish it was a large minnow.
[Image: B20FA747-2F7D-4BB0-9408-DB60F95B3AC8-112...9765-1.jpg]

My goal is to have my boat done soon then hopefully more trip reports will come as I've entered slow season at work!!!