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I was wondering if anybody would be willing to offer up some information about chasing some catfish in Flaming Gorge?

Would like to make the most of my stamp before the end of the year.

Thanks for looking.
I have never heard of cats at the Gorge, and hope I never do !! Burbot are bad enough. Not that familiar with what is above it on the Green, but to my knowledge there are no waters with catfish in them. Don't need them at the Gorge. If you want to chase kitty's in the Basin, fish the Green below Dinosaur National Monument. Lots of em and no one hardly fishes them !!!
Actually the Wyoming state record was caught out of there I believe.
ive heard of a few folks that have got some on the wyo side where the inlet is, other than that ive never seen a pic of one
[cool][#0000FF]I have never chased kitties at the Gorge but know a few guys who have. That species is not as glamorous as macks, kokes, bows and smallies, but they do have a small following.

The Gorge is a cold deep lake and much of it is not the best habitat for warmth loving whiskerfish. But channels do just fine where there are suitable living conditions. You can find them mostly in the upper ends of the lake and especially around the mouths of tributaries. During the early summer they look for rocky shorelines in protected (warmer) areas. For most of the year you will do best fishing in and around inlets.

Not many cats in the Gorge but it does grow some bigguns. The guys I know that target them like to soak big whole dead chubs on the bottom...mainly after dark. The bigger fish are often more nocturnal and feed in shallower water near shore at night. They eat a lot of crawdads as well as the young of other species. Haven't heard whether or not any have been found with burbot remnants in their stomachs but I wouldn't be surprised.

If I were you I would gear up for smallies during the day and then set up a camp for kitties after dark.
Yes there is cats in the gorge look for them where water is more shallow at night ad warmer night fish it !! If you google flaming gorge fishing derby it shows the stats for last year and is shows someone cought a 8 lb cat
Yep, as part of the Green River drainage kitties have been along that portion of the river now known as FG for who know how long, but certainly long before the dam was built..

As part of the nature of the beast,, burbies should make the perfect stink bait..
Thanks everybody.

Over the years I have heard of people saying that they fish for the from the confluence on up the lake in the staind water but that was many moons ago.

Now if the weather would just cooperate a little more.
Fish the confluence with whole shrimp, at night.
[#000000][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Yes, there are many catfish in the Gorge. Mainly fish at night with chubs, crayfish like TubeDude said. You will be surprised at the size of the cats out of the Gorge too. And yes, they do live in deep water and I have caught catfish at the Gorge in over 60 feet of water. Also, Linwood bay is a good place for them where the Henry's Fork comes in that is where alot of carp spawn too. The cats come up when they get the timing right. Give it a try their meet is real clean and fine tasting good luck. PM sent. [fishin]