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Full Version: Memorial weekend in the Uintas?
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Anyone know anything about the North Slope road access, or Mirror lake highway access? Think things will be open Memorial weekend?
I wwnt up mirror lake higway last weekend and only got about 2 miles above soapstone before the road was closed. There wasn't any snow or anything past the road closure so maybe they are doing some work
Oh it will be nice to make a return to the Unitas this year. Thanks for the update.[cool]
Just got back. Road is open to about 24.5 miles up on Mirror Lake Highway. Less than a mile to Trial Lake but a good 2 feet of snow still on the road. I found open water at another lake further up and fished. Unfortunately when I got there I realized my jacket had fallen off. Got too hot with it on and attached it to the back of my camelback. A few drops of rain and even a few snow flakes fell despite it being in the 50's up there. Little worried about getting soaked and hypothermic with the storm clouds rolling in. So left after 15 minutes and didn't catch anything. My jacket was at the car when I got back. Had hiked up with someone cross country skiing and he knew it was my jacket . He was kind enough to return it to my car on his way down. Of course on the way out the storm clouds moved on.
Ignore the road closure signs. It's just basically telling you it isn't open all the way through. People drive up to snowmobile, ski and other recreation. When I've run into a forest service ranger they aren't ever hassling anybody about being up there. Most of the campgrounds below Cobblerest were open. A couple were having work done so were closed.
If the weather holds by Memorial Day you should have plenty of options up there.
Oh man... Thanks for the report. Now I gotta choose from four places to hit in the next two weeks. So many places so little time[:/]
I had a triangular area of open water with all sides probable about 30 feet. Water was 3-4 feet deep. It'll take some time for most places up there to start to open. Trial typical starts to open 7-10 days after the lake I fished today to give you some idea.
Thanks it sounds like the lakes I would want to hit will be open around the beginning of June. Now to focus on some state parks in the next couple of weeks. [cool]
what were you driving river dog? i was up there on the 16th as well
Blue- green Subaru Forester. My 2 dogs were up there with me. You weren't the guy going 30 mph because of a little melting snow on the road up top were you? If so sorry for the slush sprayed up as I passed[angelic].
no, fortunately that wasnt me
I just took a trip up yesterday from the Evanston side. Road was closed just past the Whitney turnoff. We were able to go just over 2 miles up Whitney road until we were stopped by deep snow.
Went up today. Mirror Lake highway is probable open clean care to E-town. Made it to Butterfly Lake before deciding to turn around and fish a couple lakes. Murdock Basin road is only open 1.5 miles before you hit some serious snow.
Thanks RD. I think there is a little more snow than most people think. Might not compare to 2 years ago, but it has still been a pretty good snow year. Much better than last year, for sure. The Uintas and Boulder will be fine. That's really all that matters. That downstream stuff, meh, whatever.
I let the pictures show the conditions. Above about 9500 feet expect snow, mud and slush in many areas. I had waterproof boots on that went 12 inches above my ankle. I broke through snow and found that I was walking over the edge of the lake and it was deep enough to go over the top of my boot. But about half the lakes I checked out are starting to ice off. Fishing was steady if not fast. UDOT clears the highway but it'll probable be awhile before you can get into places like Mirror Lake with a vehicle other than a snowmobile.
I love it up there and those pics give me an itch to go up now.[cool]
[#000000][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Great report and pics. Good snow up there. [fishin]
So how's the turn off to trial??
[quote Catcherman.]So how's the turn off to trial??[/quote]Where do you think you're going?[Wink]
Fished Alexander up Spring Canyon Road today. Lake sits at 9,300'. Made it all the way up to the road that takes off to the lake. Walked the easy 1/4 mile over the hill with my tube on my back. Lake was ice-free. Caught grundles of 12-13" brookies. Wish they would grow like they used to in there.
Nice report. I was actually thinking about that lake this morning.