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Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass CBA pre-fish, 5/15/13, me, myself and I, good day.
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You deep boys will be happy but me and Derek are screwed. Wink Derek has done well his last two outings and today I did well also. That can only spell out that we will struggle this weekend. I keep having folks tell me they are catching good limits shallow but to save my life I cannot. So today I did a dry run and went deep. I am glad to say they are there. At least some are. Fished from 10 to 20 feet and had a good day. My best five were 7/7, 4/1, 3/10, 2/10 and 2/8. If my math is right that was 20 lbs and 4 ozes. emoThumbsup Now if Derek and I can only do so well this weekend in the CBA. I am going to give it a rest for the remainder of the week and pray that they are still holding where they were today on Saturday. Fished a little of everything, cranks, blades and plastics. That 7/7 was spawned out, she would have easily hit over 8 before she dropped. Her gut was gone but her body was thick and strong. She was probably starting to feed back up after her spawn.<br /><br /> Looking forward to this weekend at the CBA, hope to see you there. emoToast Jmax