Took a buddy to the popular spot on Utah lake last fall directly behind the garbage dump in London to find uta had posted fences and no trespassing signs to the access point. This really peeves me. Why would they close it? You can walk all over, on, or around track sites anywhere. Its not d/t pollution seeing how there's already tons of garbage overflowing from the dump. What does uta gain? Why do they do this? Why not have a walk through access? Am I the only one that's peeved by this?
Is it because they don't want people getting hit by a front runner train going 80mph? Just taking a shot in the dark
Doubt it. They don't barricade the entire track to prevent that problem? You can access the rails but not the lakefront.
It is all part of the process, as society gets more and more intrusive, things get put off limits. My guess is that people were trespassing by parking next to the tracks creating a hazard for the trains, so the shut it down rather than trying to accommodate the public. Public access will get smaller and smaller, it sucks !!
[#0000FF]That big open area south of the waste transfer station has long been a popular place to park so that you can walk over the tracks to the outflow of Battle Creek. During the last year or so it has been acquired by the power plant for expansion of their facilities and they have exercised their right to restrict public access.
If I am not mistaken, you can still park up near the entrance of Lindon Harbor and hike down the tracks. But don't walk in the middle of the tracks while wearing your headphones with the music turned up loud. If you get hit by a train it's gonna smart and it's gonna leave a mark.
I feel your pain. I used to fish that area too. Even worse is the closure of the Knolls to anglers. A lot of us really love that place and it has been completely closed off to public land. There are also a couple of other pending closures of fishing access points around the lake. Thankfully, DWR is working with land owners and Utah County commissioners to negotiate a mutually beneficial arrangement for anglers and owners.
You can't walk the tracks the fence is on the west side of the tracks which really peeves me. When the lake is low you can walk the shoreline over there from London boat harbor but just irks me you have to go through that much effort when you could just park by the dump. UTA gains nothing from shutting down access. If the lake is high you would have to wade out to get there that's just a joke.
[#0000FF]I haven't tried to walk down there for a long time so I was not aware of the recent fencing. I usually fish that area from my tube, after launching at Lindon.
My best guess is that UTA is simultaneously trying to prevent vandalism to their rail system and to reduce the potential for accidental injury or death to folks who are not "aware" enough to avoid moving trains.
At any rate, it is just one more former fishing spot that has been eliminated from our choices of where to go. I can assure you that you are not alone in your anger.