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Does anyone have a good boat mechanic they would recommend? I have a shop I have used in the past, but they are too far out with work and I want to get on the water.

Thanks for your help
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Lee's Boat Repair in Hyrum. He's very good at fixing boats, motors, etc.
He comes highly recommended.
Thanks for the help. I actually contacted Lee's a week or so ago. They were backed up as well and they weren't sure if they could diagnose a Yamaha fuel injected four stroke.

They were extremely helpful and friendly over the phone however. They came highly recommended by another friend who has a Mercury.
freds marine
How soon and how quick are you looking to get your boat checked out? I know with it being Memorial Day weekend most shops are booked out and most mobile guys that I have talked to are week to two weeks out. Tis the season most shops now will be 3 to 7 days out before looking at it for the rest of the year. What's going on with your motor?
The boat dude will come to your house and fix your motor. He is in the phone book and works out of Ogden. Very reasonable .Good Luck
Thanks for all the advice and help. The motor originally just quit like it wasn't getting fuel. On top of that, something was draining my battery (possibly related?). I changed out the battery in case that was it and it didn't fix it. I was going to start by changing the fuel filter, but now my trim doesn't work either even with a charged battery. Radio quit as well.

I had a few things repaired not too long before I started having these troubles. I had the fuel sending unit, trim gauge, and livewell all repaired. I don't know if something could have happened there.
I really have no idea but could it be fuses? After taking it to a shop and then having problems, I'd really be thinking that shop caused the problem but who knows.