I'm just curious because i've been driving around too see if I can fish new spots around the jordan river and there's a few spot I want to try out but there some post about something uta cant remember what it said... I'm curious if the uta owns parts of jordan river property or what.
UTA owns land adjacent to the Jordan at about 3600 S. But, not the river. The public trail runs between UTA property and the river. I don't know of any other areas near the river owned by UTA. The public trail runs next to the river on one side or the other all the way from way out south to N. temple and beyond. There is probably some places that you can't access but Its got to be on the other side from the trail.
I believe it's close to thanks giving point that I'm talking about. Might have to heck out the sign and get the confrontation number.
Most of the shore access around the prison/point of the mountain is fenced off and posted -- at least from the east side of the river. I suppose it can be accessed from the other side, but the majority of it looks to be residential.
Uta Only Owns so many feet from tracks on each side.But when access to the river is posted You must follow the rules and get permission before you step on private property,to acess the river.I have got a ticket from sheriff for thinking I could walk up the river even when its posted on both sides.The sheriff told me property owners can stop access to the river when they own on both sides.But when the tracks are close to the river uta may own some of the river bank.It would probly be worth a try.
UTA does own the land FFL. I have seen "Private Property" signs in several locations on the Jordan River in the past. The newest ones say that you can not even cross the tracks, turn around now.
They will call the police and they will up hold the charges in court.
Be safe and be careful. Not only is a tresspassing ticket costly, but very time consuming too.
When in doubt, stay out!
I'll second the trespassing charge... I got one last Fall down by Sand Hallow, while pulled off the freeway and sleeping in a church parking lot. (more to the story, but needless to say, I had to take two more trips down to Parowan to clear it up, and then it was a massive fine $1,000.00 -- that was an expensive fishing trip.)
[quote TroutBumDave]I'll second the trespassing charge... I got one last Fall down by Sand Hallow, while pulled off the freeway and sleeping in a church parking lot. (more to the story, but needless to say, I had to take two more trips down to Parowan to clear it up, and then it was a massive fine $1,000.00 -- that was an expensive fishing trip.)[/quote]
I guess it would have been better to be a drowsy driver and fly off the road and possibly take a family out with you.[crazy]