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I will be targeting the bluegill with the fly getup this weekend, any suggestions on gill flies this time of year? I assume the good ol boys like princes and pheasant tails would do the trick, but if anyone has a secret weapon it would be well received. Also, depth and retrieve advice would also be helpful.
Bread flies work well where I fish because fish eat bread thrown for ducks. Best flies are the ones that imitate natural food. But they do like bright flies in chartreuse and orange specifically.
These 2 can only be bought at fish tech. Psycodelic prince nymp and nymphocator are a must.

Other flies: elk hair caddis, blue wing olive, parashoot Adam, black and cinnamon ant, fire ant, prince nymph, red and gray scuds, red and green copper John, black red blue and purple zebra midge.

As well you can get small pan poppers that is fun watching them explode to get them.

Those the the one I usually use for bluegills.

I use a thingamabober with 2-4 ft of line under for the midges and nymphs.

I hope this info will help you and good luck because now its a great time for bluegills.
This time of year, they aren't super-picky, but if you want to have a good time, read up on some of the tactics and flies here:

Don't forget topwater either.

[Image: 4675124304_681519808c.jpg]
Wow, thanks for the info guys. I'm getting really excited now to try this out. I normally flyfish for trout but this year I'd like to expand my horizons a bit, especially if it broadens the topwater action for me!
Red Serendipities, do some really slight movements. blue gills love red.
Bluegill will bite just about any fly they can get their mouths around. Although some do work better than others. These are my top five.

1. The Psycho Prince Nymph

[Image: IMG_7975_zpsa29c28d8.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7980_zps3e4c9b25.jpg]

2. The Nymphocator Tung

[Image: IMG_7986_zps79258153.jpg]

3. The Ice Cream Cone

[Image: IMG_7989_zpsbe9c0d78.jpg]

4. The Zebra Copper John

[Image: IMG_8004_zps761e945e.jpg]

[Image: IMG_8009_zps3faee5f5.jpg]

5. And on occasion I will tie on this one as an attractor. Works great on Trout too.

[Image: IMG_8000_zps30793cfb.jpg]

As for depth?

It really depends where I am fishing off of. On a boat I prefer sinking line (Type 6). From shore I prefer floating line.


I start out with a strong but very quick/short tug on the line, wait about a second then repeat. However, sometimes a consistant strip can work wonders too.
I like wolly buggers/leeches in about a #10, bright colors like purple, pink, white, chartruse.. (+ my standby, hare's ear)

Then again, gotta agree, Often they WILL take whatever they can fit in their mouths. Sometimes I could swear they aren't actually hooked at all - just too stubborn to let go of their snack.

We love catching these fiesty little guys. Have fun!
Bead Head Prince Nymph or a Bead Head Zug Bug in #12 along with a Black Haresear with a red bead, also #12.