I have been using the Ugly stick for some time now and have forgotten what it's like to use other brands of fishing poles. I have even switched to the Ugly ice pole. Am I turning into a Ugly junkie? I want an ugly fly pole to add to my collection (by the way has anyone used the fly pole? How is it?)... I can't get enough Ugliness.
The Ugly Pole, The Best Pole
Well I have three of them,and they are good rods,don't break as quick as the fiber carbons do,have stepped on them,rolled the window up on em etc.Try that with one of those fibercarbon ones (I do have some of those also.[crazy][laugh]
Ugly's S**K the big one!!! graphites are the only way to go [

I am with you Supermonster. I have only ugly sticks. My son-in-law and son have alot of different kinds of poles and always have replace tips or get new poles every year. I have had my ugly stick for 6 yrs.I have pulled little wiper, big wiper and some real big carp in on that pole.I really like my ugly ice pole. It is sensitive enough to see the light bite but big enugh to get those big fish.
I have a funny story about ugly sticks. My mother-in- law who is a first time fisherwoman this year went out and got her a pole.I was so excited when I seen it was an ugly stick, I was telling her that is great it is an ugly stick. She got real quiet and didn't talk for awhile then later in the day we were fishing and she noticed it said ugly stick on it/ She says to me you were right it is an ugly stick, I thiugh yu were being mean and calling my fishing pole ugly. I was kinda upset with you. But I guess an ugly stick is a good pole. I said the best.But this is from a woman who buys her power bait and lures because they are pretty.So I could see why I had maybe hurt her feeelings.
i gotta go with icefanatic3 with this one all my poles but one are now graphites even my little ice rod is graphite i have a couple of no name fiberglass casting rods sitting around if anyone here wants them let me know
I've owned a few Ugly Sticks over the years and have gotten rid of them all. They're too heavy for anything but trolling. Once you get a nice rod, you'll never look at an Ugly Stick the same way again.
I am looking for a couple of rods like that. Sometimes I take the neigborhood boys fishing and all my no name fiberglass ones are missing tips. If those are still up for grabs let me know. I am at my parents house at the moment with my wife, but will be back in orem tomorrow. I don't have access to the internet out there except at school but if you give me your phone number I can give you a call. Just pm me and I will get it for the rest of today.
Jed Burton
I'm with you SuperMonster. I am sold on ugly sticks. Granted I've never used a really expensive pole, but I've used cheap graphite rods that break if you get a snag and try to yank it out. My ugly stick has held up for 6 years and counting against large catfish, carp, snags, trees, you name it. The tip is still quite flexible. I would like to try a graphite rod sometime as a comparison. I'd try it out before I ever bought one though.
I'd say they are the best rod for the price and toughness. They are a little heavy but I still use mine for pack trips and with that warranty you can't beet it. I'm thinking about converting my 6.5 ft rod to a ice rod. I've have to many of the others break.
If you haven't picked up a ugly stick and bent the crap out of it, just try and break it. My brother busted the tip off and we spent a couple hours just seeing what it would take to break it. We finally bent the rod twice over and had to jump on it to break it. That was a fun day and a little spooky wondering if the rod was going to shatter in our faces with it all the bends in it.
[cool][size 2]Hey, Mr. H., do you guys run out of things to do for excitement down there? Didja ever try to see what happens when you stick your

up against a cold piece of metal at zero degrees? I suppose you have a lotta fun pulling wings off flies in the summer. I'm a fly tier, myself...if I can catch the little buggers.[/size]
[size 2]I have owned several "uglies" over the years. I agree that they are unbeatable in the tough department. But, for touch and finesse they are a bit soft and heavy. I fish a lot with super light lures and lines, and quality graphite is usually my choice. [/size]
[size 2]That's just my opinion, and I would never try to talk an ugly stick fan out of using their "fave-rite pole".[/size]
Oh ya Tube dude, I've done the

to pole thing but I'm smart enough to only try it once and only used the tip of my

, so I didn't lose to much skin. I've seen guys do the dumb and dumber thing and have to ride the ski lifts until they can pour enough warm water to get them unstuck. Thats the nice thing about living in Southern Utah, you never run out of stuff to do, that is if you like being outdoors. Us country boys have to make our own fun, so whats your excuse? I've seen some of those contraptions you make. When it comes to improving a product, we always have fun even if it doesn't work as well.
I had an ugly stick once... A long time ago... It worked okay for the little planter pets I was catching at the time, hell my youngest daughters first pole is an ugly stick contraption. I do not care much for them at all; to me they are non resposive and very sluggish to use but they sure can bend. To be honest use whatever feels the best and works the best for you!
Hey Dennis, I still have the two ugly sticks I got from you. I like them for bottom bouncing. No way would I try and cast an ugly stik all day long. That would wear me out.
For throwing jigs, Loomis, all day long.
Just got two new custom made GL3 rods. A 724 and a 723. Going out to give them a try today. If we can find any open water.
I Have two Ugly sticks, a fly rod and a bait caster. I love them both and use them all the time. If they seem a little heavy to be casting all day maybe a little time in the gym will help you cast longer[

I have had the same ugly stick rod and reel combo since I was 16 . It has worked great. I have caught most of my big fish on it. I have retired it this year and up graded to a Pro bass graphite. I do have ugly stick ice fishing pole that I won't trade for anything.

I was looking at Ugly sticks the other day. I saw 2 mediums rated for different lines. I did not notice any med/hev or heavy. Do they have med/hev and hvy?
[#000080][size 2]I would never give up my Loomis' for an Ugly(11 and counting). I have an Ugly for ice fishing, but I prefer my Lightning rods more betta.[/size][/#000080]
As with most fishing poles they come in many actions. From light to heavy. There are ugly sticks with sensitive action all the way up to bigger pole for trolling in the ocean. As a matter of fact most of the charter salmon fishing trips I have been on the poles were all ugly sticks. For those of you who picked up an ugly stick and said it was to heavy and not sensitive enough. Are we comparing apples and oranges.