Not very exciting but I'll report anyway. Wondering if it's worth it based on the last post , 0 response with pics posted.[:/] Starting to conclude, folks aren't interested in my mundane posts.
Can't blame em, but why spend time with it if there isn't any interest? Especially this one w/o pics.? Yep, am sucking my thumb and being a sore a**.[frown] Give me hell, that at least is a response. [laugh]
Anyway, went to catch a few fish for a friend and when i got to my fishing area, it was full of sheep with new born lambs and 2 Great Pyrenees. Decided that this wasn't smart!!!!! Didn't want Sparky hurt, but as for me, who cares? Sparky is of much greater value to this world then me!!!!! Left the area and went downstream only to find the river lined with an elect. fence. Well "Shis" German for you know what. Decided to ty anyway, being careful with the fence and, -----------, well we had good fishun so it turned out ok anyway. Puzzling though about the same # came un buttened as I caught. Tha't ok, they were all what I descibe as "professional releases". [

] Water flow @ 173 scfs and used the prince again. Time spent including fetching sicks - 2 1/2hrs.
Might want to hit new different bodies of water too keep us interested ha ha ha. [

I plan on doing that in the near future!!! Good comment.
But when will it start. That's the true question. [laugh]
Good question. Will start bass fishun soon, kind of hampered where to go with Sparky,- Mantua, S.E. Idaho, Pineview? Would like to do Pineview for smallies, but too soon, where? Until then, --------- I'll discontinue reporting on the weeb. [

[quote Leaky33] Time spent including fetching sicks - 2 1/2hrs.[/quote]
You fetch sticks!! [crazy] [laugh] [laugh]
Nice report, and a good call on getting away from the sheep dogs.
Actually, I spend almost the same time fetching, on the ground of course, as Sparky does in the water. Good for both of us. [

My experience with Great Prynees is that they will fur you, slobber all over you, and possibly lick you to death. Now Sparky is another story !! They are trained to fend off other four legged threats, so he would qualify in that regard.
Tell us more about the electric fence !! That is a new wrinkle on the Weeb !!
[quote Therapist]My experience with Great Prynees is that they will fur you, slobber all over you, and possibly lick you to death. Now Sparky is another story !! They are trained to fend off other four legged threats, [quote]
In a few years Leakers will be so old he will be crawling from hole to hole on the weeb!
Until then you might just be ok Leaky.
Just thought I'd mention that a fiend was on his atv and was attacked and had to fend em off by running at em. As for myself, they have attacked my truck front end and driver side until I drove off. [shocked] No licking from these guys!!!!!
recalls my bicycle adventures in Mississippi back in the high school daze. Got chased by many a country pup, that's when a tire pump and a firm swing came in handy. Love dogs, don't get me wrong, but Doggie Polo was a survival matter. They weren't coming to "lick" our ankles!
but - Leaky, I can relate. I had a string of repeat posts, same 'ol crappie, same 'ol bass on the river. Friday regular outing it became. many of those posts came and went. Decided - I don't care, I'm posting for my own historical documentation. If others participate or appreciate, great. If not, well, tuff totties.
But it can be bothersome to get 500 reads, and next to zero response. Doesn't inspire.
Granted - I specifically DON'T post the background scenery, as some of my spots I prefer NOT to share with the 495 lurkers that view, but don't participate.
But - it's warming, it'll be time for some bass action soon (if not already, and I'm missing the boat!).
FWIW - I appreciate your posts. Sorry if I don't always post a reply. But I do love hearing about Sparky - so glad he's healed up from last year's challenges.