05-26-2013, 12:13 AM
I had a 7 day work trip to AK which turned into 6. Once I knew I had an open day I immediately booked a Halibut, King charter. The Cpt said it was the nicest day all year and only maybe two times a year is the weather so nice. It was smoother than the Gorge which coincidentally the Cpt has fished in the past. We slammed the halibut, very seldomly did we not have one biting, getting them to eat it was another story. We kept the biggest two which is the limit pet person, then went trolling for Kings which had lock jaw. Our group did catch one and it was an ivory meat fish (probably 15 lbs or so) which the guide said he only sees about two a year and they are tasty. It was a fantastic day and I feel lucky to have gotten to go and would encourage anyone who has the chance to go to do so. Our guide was very enjoyable and did a top notch job. His number is in the picture. We caught a lot more than what is in the picture, that's all the hooks he had to hang them on. We also caught several cod, he used then for bait but that's the biggest fish I landed. I did have a small halibut on which a big halibut tried eating (or a shark) that was fun for about 10 minutes until he spit the little halibut out. Surprisingly enough it wa food to release so we did. I'm going to try to attach a pic. Hope it works.