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Full Version: Wales Reservoir?
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Are there fish in Wales Res. near Moroni? Looks like it could be a nice place to fish.
Wales res is fairly shallow and has a ton of carp, but that's about it.
It has went dry several times in the last few years and it killed off all fish that was in it it had pretty much just carp in it
Still a lot of carp in there, lot of chub also.
It does not dry up like said, but there is so little water left in it it just as well dry up..

Back about 20 years or so we put some largemouth bass in it from Gunnison res. but some of the people from down that way that know about them caught them out before they could get started..
So now all you have is CARP and CHUBS..
So I am guessing that what it says about Wales on this is no longer true.
No its not true, one week after they put the bass in they was gone..They or we only put 27 bass in there..

The bass came out of Gunnson, our bass club caught them and the dwr put them in Wales..